![]() Remedy
Add coolant to radiator.
Engine overheats - - - - - - - - - - -
R e p l a c e gasket (para. 21).
Tighten or replace (para. 34).
Replace (para. 33).
Replace (para. 34).
Adjust timing (para. 20).
Flush cooling system (para. 32).
"Excessive or unusual engine
Adjust (para. 22).
Adjust (para. 20).
Drain tank and refill with proper grade of fuel:
Clean plugs and set gap at 0.030 in. Replace
if necessary (para. 41).
Fill with proper grade oil (LO 10-3930-235-
Fill with proper grade of oil for operating
High or low engine oil
temperature (LO 10-3930-235-20).
Replace gage. Normal operating pressure is
30 to 40 psi.
Stop engine immediately and fill to prescribed
level as shown on LO 10-3930-235-20. Check
for leaks while operating the engine.
Excessive oil consumption - - - -
Correct or report condition to direct support
Perform compression test (para. 18).
Fill with correct grade of oil (LO 10-3930-
Check and clean.
Excessive exhaust smoke - - - - -
Adjust (para. 24).
Drain to correct level.
Replace gasket (para. 21).
Ammeter indicates low
Normal condition-no remedial action neces-
charging rate.
Tighten or replace (para. 35).
Check generator output by grounding the field
terminal of regulator. If the charging rate
does not increase, the generator is defective
and must be replaced (para. 37). If the
charging rate increases to a high value, the
regulator is defective and must be replaced
Ammeter indicates high
Normal condition--no remedial action neces-
charging rate.
With battery fully charged, disconnect wire
from regulator field terminal. If output re-
mains high, check for grounded circuit in
generator or harness. If output drops, the
regulator is defective and must be replaced
Replace lamp.
Lights do not illuminate - - - -
Check circuit for a short in lights or wiring.
Replace fuse.
Replace switch.
Horn does not sound - - - - - -
AGO 6217A
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