![]() temperature: Fully closed position
(1) Adjust heat control valve as follows:
Loosen setscrew and move lever in a
above 70 F.; intermediate position be-
vertical position to fully open the
tween 32 and 70 F., and fully open
valve. Move lever to a horizontal posi-
position below 32 F.
tion to close valve. Tighten setscrew
after adjusting.
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in a above,
using new gaskets. Tighten manifold studs to
(2) Set heat control valve in the following
a torque value of 16 to 18 foot-pounds.
positions, depending on prevailing
(5) Remove two mounting nuts and wash-
24. Carburetor
ers, then remove carburetor and gas-
The carburetor (fig. 10) is a single-barrel
updraft type with fixed jets covering all speeds
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in b above.
except idle speed.
a. Adjustment. The best method to obtain
the correct idle adjustment on the carburetor
is with the use of a vacuum gage, Proceed as
follows :
(1) Disconnect inlet and outlet fuel lines
at fuel pump.
(1) Unscrew manifold pipe plug (fig. 10)
(2) Remove two mounting capscrews and
from intake manifold and install vac-
uum gage.
(3) Remove fuel pump and gasket.
(2) Start engine and allow it to warm
until normal operating temperature is
b. Cleaning.
(1) Clean exterior of fuel pump with SD.
(3) Adjust engine to normal idling speed
(2) Remove cover plate screw, gasket,
by adjusting the throttle stop screw.
cover plate, and cover plate gasket
(4) Turn idle adjusting screw to obtain
from fuel pump cover. Remove screen,
the highest, possible vacuum reading
(3) Clean screen and top recesses of fuel
on the gage. The reading should be
pump cover with SD and airdry.
constant with very little movement of
c. Installation.
the needle on the vacuum gage. If no
vacuum gage is available, proceed as
(1) Install screen; new cover plate gasket,
follows :
and cover plate, then secure with gas-
ket and cover plate screw.
(a) With engine warm, turn adjusting
screw counterclockwise until engine
(2) Reverse procedure in a above.
idles smoothly.
d. Tests.
(b) Adjust to desired idle speed by turn-
(1) Static pressure test.
ing throttle stop screw (fig. 10).
(a) Disconnect pump outlet line at fuel
b. Removal.
(b) Install necessary adapter and fitting
(1) Disconnect air cleaner hose from car-
in pump outlet and attach pressure
gage with rubber tubing. Length of
(2) Disconnect throttle linkage at throttle
of tubing must not exceed 6 inches
or inaccurate readings will result.
(3) Disconnect choke control at choke
(c) Start engine and run it at idle speed
with the fuel remaining in the car-
(4) Disconnect fuel line at inlet elbow.
AGO 6217A
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