![]() (4) Remove outlet pipe clamp at muffler.
(5) Loosen inlet pipe clamp at muffler.
a. Inspection.
Note. On Army model MHE-190, a right
(1) Inspect pipes for good condition and
angle elbow is used between the muffler and
secure mounting.
exhaust outlet pipe. Remove these clamps
and elbow as necessary.
(2) Check to see that inlet pipe is securely
attached at manifold and that there
(6) Loosen manifold elbow clamp.
are no visible signs of leaks.
(7) Remove two brass nuts that attach
(3) Check tailpipe for obstructions at its
manifold elbow to manifold, then
outer end and for secure mountings.
work elbow loose from manifold and
remove elbow and exhaust inlet pipe.
b . Removal.
(8) Remove nut, bolt, lockwashers, and
(1) Block unit up to a height suitable to
grommets at muffler support then rear
work underneath.
end of muffler will drop down.
(2) Remove radiator grille from counter-
(9) Remove exhaust tailpipe.
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in b above.
(3) Remove clamp at clamp bracket.
c. Pressure Reverse Flushing. If the radiator
32. Radiator
tubes become clogged, the obstructions may
a. Draining and Filling (fig. 4).
sometimes be removed by reverse flushing of
(1) To drain cooling system, open drain
the radiator. Proceed as follows:
valves at bottom of radiator and right
(1) Drain the cooling system (a above).
side of cylinder block. If cooling sys-
(2) Disconnect upper and lower radiator
tem is not to be refilled immediately,
attach a notice to steering handwheel
(3) Connect a pressure water hose to the
to warn personnel that radiator has
lower radiator connection with a suit-
been drained.
able adapter.
(2) To refill cooling system, close drain
(4) Plug the upper hose connection and
valves and add antifreeze d below and/
remove the radiator cap.
or clean water to radiator filler open-
ing as necessary. Use corrosion inhibi-
Caution: Do not use more than 6
tor compound (FSN 6850-281-1989)
pounds of pressure in the flushing
in a cooling system containing water
operation as excessive pressure may
only. Do not mix inhibitor and anti-
cause the radiator tubes, oil cooler, or
freeze solution in the cooling system.
tanks to rupture.
Add approximately 9 ounces of cor-
(5) Force water upward through the radi-
rosion inhibitor to the 11 quarts of
ator to loosen foreign material from
water in the cooling system. Operate
the tubes and the tanks. The material
engine, inspect water level, and add
will flow out through the top of the
water if required.
b. Cleaning and Flushing. Use a good grade
(6) Inspect carefully for leaks after re-
of commercial flushing compound. Follow di-
reverse flushing.
rections provided with the compound. Inspect
d. Antifreeze Protection.
for leaks after flushing and cleaning, Clean
(1) Antifreeze solution will be drained
radiator core air passages by blowing out with
from the cooling system at the end of
dry compressed air or steam applied carefully
each cold season and discarded.
from outside toward engine.
AGO 6217A
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