b. Turn ignition switch OFF and leave it in
OFF position.
The following maintenance procedures are
c. Remove the spark plugs. Open the choke
the responsibility of the organizational main-
and throttle as wide as possible.
tenance personnel as allocated by the mainte-
nance allocation chart.
d. Install a compression gage tightly in No.
one spark plug hole.
e. Crank the engine with the starting motor
for at least six compression strokes and note the
The compression test is performed to aid in
gage reading.
determining the condition of valves and rings
and to detect a leaking head gasket. Perform
j. Repeat the test on each of the remaining
compression test as follows:
a. Start engine and allow it to idle until nor-
g. Compression readings for the cylinders
mal operating temperature is reached.
should not vary more than 10 pounds. Normal
AGO 6217A
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