![]() b. Removal.
(1) Disconnect battery at ground strap.
(2) Disconnect the armature and field
leads from the generator terminals.
(3) Remove screw, lockwasher, and plain
washer from the adjusting strap.
(4) Loosen the two screws and nuts which
attach the generator to its mounting
bracket. Move the generator toward
the engine and slip drive belt off
(5) Remove the two screws, nuts, and
lockwashers attaching the generator
to the mounting bracket and lift the
generator off.
c. Installation.
(1) Reverse procedure in b above.
(2) If a new or rebuilt generator is in-
stalled, polarize it by momentarily
touching a jumper wire between the
battery and armature terminals of the
voltage regulator before starting en-
gine. This allows polarization of gen-
erator in respect to the battery it has
to charge.
Caution: Failure to polarize a new
to complete the circuit battery and
or rebuilt generator (or regulator)
generator armature terminal. This
will result in extensive damage to the
will cause a discharge through gen-
generator, cutout relay, connecting
erator and the engine (or test bench
wiring, and will also result in rapid
drive) should be immediately oper-
battery discharge.
ated at idle speed (500 rpm).
(6) Disconnect field lead wire from volt-
age regulator terminal "F," while op-
This unit (fig. 16) is a three stage vibrating
erating engine at idle speed, touch
the field lead from the generator to
type regulator and consists of a cutout relay,
the regulator base. Increase engine
voltage regulator, and current regulator. The
cutout relay connects and disconnects the bat-
generator speed slowly, noting charg-
ing rate. Do not increase speed and
tery and generator. The voltage regulator
limits generator output voltage to prevent bat-
generator output above rated capacity
tery overcharge and high voltage. The current
of the generator (25 amperes at 14.5
regulator limits generator output current to
volts and 2400 rpm).
protect the generator from overloads.
(7) If the generator output will not build
up, generator is faulty. Overhaul or
a. Testing and Adjusting.
replace a faulty generator.
(1) Cutout relay. The cutout relay re-
quires three checks and adjustments,
(8) If generator output builds up to rated
output and charging tests in a above
as follows:
indicate low or no output, the voltage
(a) Air-gap. With the batery discon-
nected, press the armature down
regulator is faulty. Replace a faulty
until the points just close, then
AGO 6217A
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