![]() b. Removal.
(1) Loosen locknut, then unscrew power
a. Adjustment and Inspection. Inspect the
steering pump adjusting screw suf-
belt for wear, fraying, deterioration, or oil
ficiently to allow removal of power
soaked condition. If necessary replace the belt.
steering pump drive belt. Remove
Check for approximately to inch deflec-
tion at a point halfway between the generator
pulley and the fan drive pulley. Adjust belt as
(2) Loosen screws at the generator ad-
justing strap and screws at the gen-
Loosen screws at the generator ad-
erator hinge mounting.
justing strap and screws at the gen-
(3) Using a pry bar, push generator to-
erator hinge mounting.
ward engine, then slip belt off gener-
Using a pry bar, pry generator away
ator pulley, over fan drive pulley and
from the engine until proper tension
over fan blade.
is obtained.
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in b above.
Hold generator in this position, then
Adjust belt tension a above.
tighten adjusting strap screws and
then tighten generator hinge screws,
Note. After correctly adjusting fan and generator
in that order.
belt, adjust power steering belt (para. 58d).
during tests. Figure 15 illustrates
36. General
generating system electrical connec-
The electrical system (fig. 14) includes a 12-
volt negative-ground battery, distributor, gen-
To measure generator and regulator
erator, ignition coil, spark plugs, starting
output, disconnect lead wire to volt-
motor solenoid, current and voltage regulator,
age regulator terminal "B". Connect
horn circuit, lights, sending units, and gages
an ammeter in series between the dis-
and wiring. The horn and lighting circuits are
connected lead wire and regulator ter-
protected by fuses. Fuses are installed on a
minal "B". Connect a voltmeter to
fuse block located under the cowl near the top
voltage regulator terminal "B" and
center. Refer to paragraph 7 for operating
ground on regulator base.
specifications of generator, voltage regulator,
Start engine (or test bench drive) and
and darting motor.
accelerate to 2400 rpm, noting volt-
age and current readings. As gener-
bench, it is desirable to check regulator operation while
operating with the same generator it will control when
ator speed is accelerated, voltage and
installed on engine.
current output should increase to a
maximum of 14.3 to 14.5 volts with
37. Generator
current of 24 to 26 amperes. If output
a. Generator and Regulator Tests.
is not within these specifications,
(1) Check generator and regulator opera-
check generator operation without
tion by measuring charging rate with
regulator in circuit.
and without regulator in the testing
Remove meters to restore generating
circuit. Perform tests on engine or on
circuit to its normal condition (fig.
test bench. Test bench will require a
15) .
variable speed drive to operate gener-
To test generator operation only, dis-
ator at simulated engine speeds. Make
connect lead wires at voltage regulator
sure battery is in good condition.
terminals "B" and "A" and connect an
Measure specific gravity, if below
ammeter between these two lead wires
1.250, recharge or use a new battery
AGO 6217A
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