![]() (4) Turn the eccentric adjusting screw to
41. Spark Plugs
obtain the correct gap of 0.020 inch,
Spark plugs and spark plug wires must
then tighten the locking screw.
always be maintained in good condition and
(5) Recheck the gap after tightening the
kept free of dirt, grease, and oil. Replace any
locking screw.
burned, cracked, or broken spark plugs.
(6) Install seal plate, rotor and distributor
a. Removal.
(1) Disconnect wires at the spark plugs.
b. Removal.
Blow out all dirt from the spark plug
Disconnect spark plug cables from the
wells with compressed air,
spark plugs, ignition coil cable from
(2) Use the correct spark plug wrench and
the coil, and the primary lead from the
remove the spark plugs and gaskets.
distributor primary terminal.
Remove two nuts, washers, and clamps
b. Cleaning.
securing distributor to cylinder head,
(1) Clean spark plugs by scraping excess
then lift out distributor.
carbon and lead deposits off the elec-
c. Insallation. Reverse procedures in b
trodes and insulator body.
(2) Sand blasting does not clean between
NOTE. If engine doesn't start after installing dis-
the electrodes and will ruin the glaze
tributor, remove distributor and turn drive shaft 180
on the insulator material if left in the
and reinstall.
sand blast machine too long.
d. Repair.
(3) Using a fine file, file electrodes until
(1) Disassembly. Refer to figure 17 and
square or flat at the gap surface.
disassemble the distributor as follows:
(4) Clean exposed insulator surface of all
(a) Unfasten cap clamps then remove
grease, dirt, or paint.
cap, rotor, and seal plate.
(b) Remove contact points and con-
c. Adjusting Gap. Adjust the gap by bending
the outside electrode. Never bend the center
(c) Disconnect primary lead at terminal.
electrode. Use a round wire feeler gage for
measuring. Adjust gap to 0.030 inch.
(2) Inspection.
(a) Clean all parts thoroughly and re-
d. Testing. After cleaning and adjusting the
place any damaged or worn parts.
gap, test all spark plugs in a standard spark
Do not clean the cap, seal plate,
plug testing machine. Discard all plugs that
rotor condenser, insulators, or hous-
test unsatisfactorily.
ing in decreasing compound.
(b) Repair slightly worn or pitted con-
e. Installation.
tact points with a few strokes of a
(2) Tighten plugs by hand then torque to
clean, fine-cut point file. Replace
15-20 foot-pounds.
contact points if worn or badly
(3) Connect spark plug wires. Make sure
connections are made to the correct
(c) Check the breaker lever fiber rub-
plugs and are secure. Firing order
bing block for excessive wear.
Replace if testing is impractical.
(e) Check the distributor cap and rotor
for cracks, burning of contacts, or
All gages and instruments are mounted on
carbon streaks.
the instrument panel and may be removed by
disconnecting the wiring from the individual
(3) Reassembly. Reverse procedures in
gage or instrument. Remove items as necessary
(1) above. During assembly, make
and tag wire for correct installation.
certain all parts operate freely.
AGO 6217A
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