![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
b. The rear end of the block provides a machined
b. Examine all block associated parts for wear.
surface for mounting the fly wheel housing. A semi-
Replacement parts must be the same as those removed.
circular groove in the flywheel face of the block contains
c. Replace all gaskets, using same material and size
a seal gasket and receives a circular bearing plate,
as those removed.
which seals off the block and main bearings.
d. Measure cylinders with a dial gage or micrometer
and record bore measurements. Bore diameter should
be 3.2503 - 3.2507 inches with a maximum allowable
3-3. Removal
wear limit of 0.0004 of an inch.
Caution: Do not mix or confuse engine parts. Mark
e. Determine the oversize to which cylinders can be
for position on disassembly and tag assemblies and
resized. When reboring, allow 0.002" for finishing by
attaching parts.
3-6. Assembly and Installation
a. Remove engine assembly from truck (para 2 5) and
a. Install oil pump (para 3-41 d).
transmission (para 2-6).
b. Install valve and springs (para 3-17), guides(para 3-
b. Remove fan, belt, and pulley; water pump and lines
18), and tappets (para 3-19).
(TM 10-3930-621-12).
c. Install camshaft (para 3-24), using caution not to
c. Remove manifold, fuel pump, and carburetor (TM
scratch bushings.
d. Insert crankshaft (para 3-11), using caution to
d. Remove cylinder head (TM 10-3930-621- 12).
prevent damage to journals.
e. Remove crankshaft pulley (14, fig. 3-3), engine
e. Install flywheel (para 3-1.)), and crankshaft bearing
front support and timing gear assembly (para 3-37).
plate (3, fig. 3-3), gasket (4), seal (5), and deflector (6).
f. Remove governor (para 4-15) and disconnect the
f. Connect the governor lubrication line at the block
lubrication line at the block.
and install the governor (para 4-19).
g. Remove flywheel (para 3-13) and crankshaft
g. Install timing gear assembly and front support
bearing plate (3, fig. 3-3), gasket (4), seal (5), and
deflector (6).
h. Install the following per TM 10-330-621-12.
h. Remove crankshaft (para 3-8) using caution to
(1) Cylinder head. Torque to 60-62 foot
prevent damage to journals.
pound values.
i. Remove camshaft (para 3-22) using caution not to
(2) Manifold, carburetor, and fuel pump.
scratch bushings.
(3) Water pump and water pump lines.
j. Remove valves and springs (para 3-17), guides
(4) Fan, belt and pulley.
i. Install transmission assembly (para 2-6) and engine
k. Remove oil pump (para 3-41 b.
assembly in truck (para 2-51).
3-4. Disassembly
j. Adjust all accessories for efficient operation as
Remove all associated parts (fig. 3-2).
instructed in the appropriate paragraphs of TM 10-3930-
3-5. Inspection, Replacement and Repair
621-12 and TM 10-3930-621-35.
a. Inspect engine block for cracks, holes or damage to
wear surfaces, particularly in the exhaust valve areas.
KEY to fig. 3-2:
1. Expansion plug
2. Valve seat
3. Pipe plug
Lock washer
4. Expansion plug
Pad cover
5. Pipe plug
Pad cover gasket
6. Valve cover gasket
7. Valve cover stud
Center bearing cap
8. Valve chamber cover
Pipe plug
9. Nut
10. Valve cover gasket
11. Front bearing cap
12. Bearing ball
Lock plate
13. Compression spring
Rear bearing cap
14. Relief valve gasket
Pipe plug
15. Relief valve screw
Drain cock
16. Valve chamber cover
Engine block
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