![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
4-12. Assembly
e. Screw on filler cap assembly (7).
a. Install new transmitter gasket (25) on fuel
f. Install nipple (23) and elbow (13) in bottom of tank.
g. Install valve (22) and tubing on elbow (13).
b. Install transmitter (6) in tank (12) and secure
4-13. Installation
with screws (4) and flat washers (5).
c. Secure lead /31 to transmitter (6) with nut (1)
Refer to TM 10-3930-621-12 for installation
and lock washer (2).
d. Install drain (24) and vent (8) plugs.
Section III. Governor
b. Wash governor with cleaning compound, solvent
4-14. Description
(Spec. P-S-661), and dry thoroughly with compressed
The governor is a centrifugally actuated weight type
driven directly from the timing gear train in the front of
c. Mark the position of spring (34) on lever (37) and
the engine. The governor shaft runs of ball bearings at
position of adjusting nut (30) on tension adjusting screw
each end of a cast iron housing. The weight carrier is
(33). This marking is necessary to reassemble parts
retained on the shaft by a press fit and a taper pin. The
with their original adjustment.
action of the weights against the governor shifter sleeve
d. Remove tension adjusting nut (30), adjusting screw
is transmitted through a ball thrust bearing of the
(33) and spring from the spring bracket (29).
governor shifter and lever. The weights are opposed
e. Remove screw (35), nut (32), and lock washers
and balanced by an adjustable spring. which should
(31) to remove spring bracket (29) from governor
not be changed unless authorized. If surging arises, a
bumper screw ma) be adjusted from outside the
f. Drive out groove pin (23) which holds governor drive
governor cover.
gear (21) on shaft (24).
4-15. Removal
g. Install gear puller and remove drive gear (21).
Remove control rod from governor lever by
Remove key (20) from shaft (24).
removing the cotter pin and clevis pin. Do not disturb the
h. Remove end cover (6) and gasket (7) from housing
length of the control rod.
by first removing cap screws (3) and lock washer (4).
b. Remove lubricating oil line from top of governor
i. Discard the gasket.
j. Loosen locknut (1) and remove surge adjusting
c. Remove the two) cap screws and lock washers
screw (2) to check for broken or damaged spring (5).
which mount the governor to the timing gear cover.
k. Rotate shifter lever (15) outward and remove
Remove governor and packing (22, fig. 4-5) from the
internal governor parts as an assembly. See figure
4-16. Disassembly
a. Refer to figure 4-5 and disassemble as follows:
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