![]() TM 10-3930-621-34
(4) Check counterbore for cleanliness and
Caution: The crush for any given seat and
freedom from burr edges.
engine combination is a very critical dimension.
(5) Using a pair of forceps or a hooked wire,-
Attempts to over-crush seats frequently result in the
quickly lift the chilled seat from the dry ice bath and
seat loosening during service.
locate it over the counterbore so the chamfer of the seat
(a) Subtract the original counterbore diameter from the
lower edge is entered squarely.
original seat diameter.
(6) Start the driving mandrel pilot in the valve
(b) Measure the diameter of the new seats and
guide, bring the driving face against the seat upper
subtract the figure obtained for the crush ( (a) above).
surface accurately, and tap the mandrel firmly with a
(c) Set cutting diameter of cutter at dimension
medium weight hammer.
obtained above and enlarge the counterbore.
(7) If severe hammering is required, the
(2) Place seat in a container filled with alcohol or
counterbore is not the correct size, the seat was not
gasoline and several chunks of dry ice.
chilled enough, or the seat was not started into the
(3) Slip a sturdy washer-like driving plate, somewhat
counterbore straight.
larger than the seat, over the madrel pilot of a seat
driving tool.
Note. Peening seats in position is no longer a standard
production procedure, and therefore is not necessary.
3-21. Description
The camshaft runs in steel backed babbit shells located
fuel pump and valve covers (TM 10- 3930-621-12).
in the three main crankshaft bulkheads. The camshaft
b. Raise valves and springs (1, 4, fig. 3-6), and keep
drive gear is pressed and keyed on the front end of the
them raised with wooden blocks or other suitable means.
camshaft. Two spiral gears are provided, one to) drive
c. Raise tappets (8) to clear cam lobes on shaft. Keep
the oil pump and the other to drive the distributor. An
tappets raised with tape, wire, cord or by other suitable
eccentric, toward the rear of the camshaft, actuates the
diaphragm type fuel pump. Camshaft end play is
d. Remove the two thrust plate screws (15) through
controlled by a thrust plate (19, fig. 3-6) located between
holes in drive gear (16).
the shoulder of the rear cam journal and the face of the
e. Gently withdraw camshaft from its sleeve bearings
drive gear hub (16). The drive gear is secured to the
(9, 10 and 22). See figure 3-7.
camshaft by a retaining ring (17).
Caution: Do not allow cam lobes to catch or,
3-22. Removal and Inspection
be scratched by, or scratch, sleeve bearings.
a. Remove oil pan (para 3-40), oil pump (para
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