![]() Table 2-1. Troubleshooting
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
Directional contactors do not
a. Improperly positioned speed in-
a. Adjust speed interlock switch
pull in when accelerator pedal
is pressed.
b. Directional switch open.
b. Inspect and repair switch )para 3-
c. Open in contactor, control relay, or
c. Inspect and repair (para 3-5).
direction interlock.
d. Protective circuit defective.
d. Test and replace circuit if nec-
essary (para 3-11).
Directional contactors pull in
a. Defective capacitor and dio de
a. Test and replace assembly if
when accelerator pedal is press
assembly or resistor assembly.
necessary (para 3-10).
ed but lift truck does not move.
b. Control unit defective.
b. Test and replace if necessary (para
c. Bower switch assembly defective.
c. Test and repair or replace as
necessary (para 3-9).
Inadequate power for climbing
One or more defective sections in
Test and repair or replace assembly
grades or moving loads
power switch assembly
as necessary (para 3-9).
Hydraulic system inoperative
a. Overheated motor
a. Inspect and repair pump (para 3-
b. Pump contactor open
b. Inspect and repair (para 3-5).
Brake pedal goes to floor.
a. Leaking master brake cylinder
a. Repair (para 3-32).
b. Leaking wheel cylinder
b. Repair (para 3-31).
Harsh braking action or truck
Brake backing plate loose
Inspect and tighten if necessary (TM
pulls to one side
Brake releases slowly
Dirt in master brake cylinder
Disassemble and clean (para 3-27).
Steering difficult-
a. Defective power steering cylinder
a. Inspect and repair cylinder (para
b. Defective power steering pump.
b. Inspect and repair pump (para 3-
Bower steering contactor open
c. Inspect and repair (para 3-5).
Power steering motor defective
d. Inspect and repair (para 3-40).
Fork carriage will not lift load.
Hydraulic pump defective
a. Inspect and repair (para 3-24).
Lift cylinders defective
b. Inspect and repair cylinders (para
c. Hydraulic pump motor defective
c. Inspect and repair (para 3-25).
d. Control valve defective
d. Inspect and repair (para 3-22).
10. Load creeps down from raised
a. Defective control valve
a. Inspect and repair valve (para
b. Defective lift cylinder.
b. Inspect and repair (para 3-19 and
11. Lifting speed erratic
Bent or distorted mast assembly
Inspect and repair (para 3-27).
12. Control valve plungers will not
Defective control valve
Inspect and repair valve (para 3-22).
return to neutral.
13. No operation of hydraulic system
a. Defective hydraulic pump.
a. Inspect and repair hydraulic pump
when first started up.
b. Defective relief valve in control
b. Inspect and repair control valve
valve or control valve
plunger (para 3-24).
14. Slow operation of hydraulic
a. Defective hydraulic pump.
a. Inspect and repair hydraulic pump
b. Pump rpm too low.
b. Check pump motor operation.
Overhaul pump motor if required
c. Improper operation of direction
c. Inspect and repair control valve
control valve due to defective
Parts or foreign matter.
d. Worn or scored lift cylinder
d. Overhaul lift cylinder (para 3-19
15. Noisy operation of hydraulic
a. Defective hydraulic pump.
a. Inspect and repair hydraulic pump
b. Chattering relief valve in control
16. Oil heats up rapidly.
a. Defective control valve.
b. Inspect and repair control valve
b. Defective hydraulic pump.
a. Inspect and repair hydraulic pump
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