![]() Malfunction
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
17. Hoist cylinder packing leaks.
Worn packings or piston scored.
Inspect and repair cylinder (para
18. Hoist ,or tilt cylinder lowers or
a. Worn packing in lift cylinder or tilt
a. Inspect and repair cylinder (para
tilts while truck is idle.
b. Defective control valve.
b. Inspect and repair control valve
19. Mast will not tilt.
a. Defective hydraulic pump.
a. Inspect and repair hydraulic pump
b. Defective control valve.
b. Inspect and repair control valve
c. Defective tilt cylinder.
c. Overhaul tilt cylinder (para 3-18).
2-4. General
manner. Failure to do so might cause personal
Testing and servicing of mechanical, hydraulic and
injury due to electrical shock or accidental
electrical units and assemblies are covered in their
movement of the truck.
respective sections of this manual. Paragraph 2-5
When performing any maintenance on the lift truck
contains the shutdown procedure that is related to many
requiring a shutdown of power, proceed as follows:
areas of maintenance.
a. Disconnect battery connector.
2-5. Shutting Down Power for Maintenance
b. Turn the keyswitch on for a few seconds. This
Warning: Be sure that power is always shut
allows the' capacitors in the capacitor and diode
assembly to discharge into the control system circuitry.
down for maintenance purposes in the following
c. Turn off the keyswitch and remove the key.
2-6. General
2-7. Power Switch Assembly
a. Removal.
This section contains detailed instructions for removal
and installation of assemblies and auxiliaries within the
(1) Disconnect
fork lift truck.
Each major assembly is covered
capacitors (para 2-5).
individually, with its component subassemblies, as a
(2) Open the power switch cover (TM 10-
related series of instructions.
In many cases a
subassembly can be removed without removing or
(3) Remove the power switch assembly
dismantling the major assembly. In this case, select
according to figure 2-2.
b. Installation.
only the applicable steps from the complete instructions
for servicing the next higher assembly. Always tag or in
(1) Install the power switch assembly
some other manner identify such parts as hoses and
according to the reverse of figure 2-2.
wiring leads to facilitate reassembly. When possible,
(2) Close the power switch cover (TM 10-
replace attaching parts such as nuts, bolts, flatwashers,
3930-620-12 ).
lockwashers and clamps on the part they attach. This
(3) Reconnect battery connector.
should prevent loss or misplacement.
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