![]() (1) Place armature in a lathe and turn down
(3) commutator lightly with No. 00 sandpaper
commutator until true. Make certain cut is not made on
to remove an)y burrs left from undercutting.
commutator riser bars as solder will be removed,
(4) Check armature on a growler for short
weakening coil connections at this section. Remain
circuits. Refer to subparagraph h.
j. Reassembly. Reassemble pump motor in the
approximately 3 / 16 inch from riser bars when cutting.
(2) Undercut mica between bars to a depth
reverse order of disassembly.
not exceeding 0.030inch. Undercut must be full width of
Prior to reassembly, lubricate
mica and flat at bottom. After undercutting, clean out
bearings in accordance with LO 10-3930-620-12.
slots to remove any dirt and copper dust.
a. Removal.
Mast repair can usually be
3-26. General
The mast group of the vehicle consists of a mast
accomplished without removal from the truck.
assembly, carriage and backrest assembly, and forks.
necessary, remove the mast assembly according to
The hydraulic lift mast consists of an inner mast, an
intermediate mast, and an outer mast. The intermediate
and inner masts ride on adjustable roller bearings,
(1) Remove the chains (8 and 20), bolts (10
enabling them to telescope up and down smoothly and
and 22), hydraulic line and support (25). Remove the
with a minimum of drag. The carriage assembly is a
elbows, fitting and flow regulator from the primary and
welded structure having horizontal upper and lower fork
secondary lift cylinders.
support bars and a pair of vertical carriage support bars.
3-27. Mast Assembly
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