![]() (j) The specified thickness of the thrust
(6) Remove the camshaft (4). Be careful to
plate is 0.1650-0.1670 inch.
keep it aligned with the engine so the camshaft
(k) The fit of the camshaft gear on the
bearings do not bind on the journals.
camshaft is 0.0010-0.0030 inch tight.
(7) Remove the flywheel housing (para 3-14).
d. Reassembly. Reassemble the camshaft in
(8) Remove the expansion plug (11) from the
reverse order of disassembly.
camshaft rear bearing bore.
e. Installation.
(9) Use a camshaft bearing removal and in-
(1) Install the camshaft bearings (5, 6 and 7,
stallation tool to remove the camshaft bearings (5,
6 and 7).
the oil holes in the block. Use a camshaft bearing
b. Disassembly.
removal and installation tool to properly position
(1) Remove the camshaft gear retaining ring
the bearings. Insert a wire through the oil hole to
(8, fig. 3-14).
make sure the holes line up.
(2) Use a gear puller to remove the camshaft
(2) Install a new camshaft hole plug (11) in
gear (9) from the camshaft.
the bore in the cylinder block at the camshaft rear
(3) Remove the key (10) from the camshaft.
bearing location.
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
(3) Check the thrust clearance by inserting a
(1) Clean the camshaft and camshaft bearings
feeler gage between the thrust plate (3) and the
with a cleaning solvent.
cam shaft bearing surface. The specified clearance
(2) Inspect the camshaft gear for worn,
is 0.003-0.008 inch. If the end clearance exceeds
nicked, or broken teeth.
the maximum wear limit of 0.014 inch, remove the
(3) Use a telescopic gage, micrometer, or other
gear (9) from the camshaft (4). File the back side of
suitable measuring device to obtain the following
the gear hub. This permits pressing the gear further
measurements. If the measurements do not fall
on the shaft and reduces the thrust plate clearance.
within the specified limits the parts must be
(4) Install the camshaft (4), making sure the
timing marks on the camshaft and crankshaft gears
(a) ID of front and intermediate camshaft
are aligned to ensure proper engine timing.
bearings (when i n s t a l l e d i s 2 . 0 0 1 0 - 2 . 0 0 4 0
(5) Reinstall the remaining engine components
inches. The ID of the rear camshaft bearing when
by reversing the removal procedures.
installed is 1.2510-1.2540 inches.
(6) Install the drain plug in the oil pan and
(b) OD of front and intermedite camshaft
service the lubrication system. Refer to the current
journals in 1.998-1.999 inches. The OD of the rear
LO 10-3930-624-12.
camshaft journal is 1.2480-1.2490 inches.
3-16. Pistons and Connecting Rods
( c ) T h e camshaft bearing-to-journal
a. Removal and Disassembly.
running clearance is 0.0020-0.0060 inch.
(1) Remove the cylinder head. Refer to
(d) OD of front and intermediate camshaft
bearings is 2.1285-2.1305 inches. The OD of the
the engine to prevent dust from entering into the
rear camshaft bearing is 1.3790-13805 inches.
exposed parts.
(e) The bore in the block for the front and
(2) Remove the steer axle assembly. Refer to
intermediate camshaft bearings is 2.1240-2.1250
inches. The bore for the rear camshaft bearings is
(3) Drain the oil from the crankcase. Remove
1.3740-1.3750 inches.
the oil pan (para 3-8) and oil pump (para 3-6).
(f) The fit for the front and intermediate
(4) If the cylinder sleeves are worn so there is a
camshaft bearings in the bore of the cylinder block
ridge at the upper end of the ring travel, remove the
is 0.0020-0.0060 inch tight. The fit for the rear
ridge with a ridge reamer before the piston is
camshaft bearing is 0.0040-0.0065 inch tight.
removed. This prevents damage to the rings during
(g) The overall width of the camshaft
removal and installation.
bearings are: front-1 1/8 inches, intermediate-7/8
(5) Remove the nuts (1, fig. 3-15), and bearing
inch, and rear-l inch.
caps (3) from each connecting rod (8) in turn and
(h) The camshaft end clearance is
push the piston (7) and connecting rod assembly
0.0030-0.0080 inch.
out through the top of the cylinder block.
(i) The camshaft gear width is 1 inch.
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