![]() (3) Remove the fuel gage sending unit. Be
onto the spider shaft. Replace if they do not slide
careful not to bend the float arm when removing
the unit from the tank.
(4) Inspect the drive gear (18) for worn or
c. Cleaning. Inspection and Repair.
chipped teeth. Inspect machined surfaces for
(1) Drain sediment from the fuel tank by
scoring. Replace the gear if necessary.
opening the shutoff valve at the bottom of the fuel
(5) Replace the weights (22) if they fit loosely
or bind on the pivot pins (21).
(2) Clean the tank with a solvent.
(6) Inspect the bearing (5) and thrust washer
(3) Inspect the tank for leaks, cracks, dents,
(6) for worn spots or score marks. Replace the
rust or corrosion.
bearing if it fits loosely in the adapter housing (7).
Warning: Before repairing the fuel tank,
(7) Replace the spring (1.5) if it is cracked or
be sure the interior of the tank has been
properly cleaned of gasoline and vapor to
d. Reassembly.
prevent hazard to personnel.
(1) Install the bearing (5,fig. 3-3) so that the
(4) Repair the tank if it is damaged. Replace
oil holes is up. Press into the housing (7).
the tank if it is damaged beyond repair.
(2) Assemble the remaining components in
(5) Inspect the copper fuel line and hose for
the reverse order of disassembly.
damaged connectors, crimping, cracks or oil soaked
e. Installation. Install the governor by reversing
hose. Replace damaged lines.
the removal procedure. Refer to TM 10-3930-624-
d. Reassembly. Reassemble in the reverse order
12 for the adjustment procedure.
of diassembly.
3-4. Fuel Tank
e. Installation. Refer to TM 10-3930-624-34-
a. Removal. Refer to TM 10-3930-624-12.
12. After the fuel tank is installed and filled with
b. Disassembly.
gasoline. open the shutoff valve and start the engine
(1) Remove the fittings and allow the
and check for fuel leaks.
remaining fuel to flow from the tank.
(2) Remove the filler assembly by un screwing
it from the top of the tank.
3-5. General
No. 1 cylinder before removing the oil pump. This
is done by positioning the No. 1 piston on the
The purpose of the lubrication system is to reduce
compression stroke with ''IGN''in the center of the
timing hole in the flywheel housing. In this position
bushings. shafts. bearings, and pistons. The
the piston is before top dead center. Mark the side
lubrication system consists primarily of the oil
of the distributor housing to indicate the position of
pump. oil pressure valve. oil pan, and oil filter. The
the rotor.
oil pressure in the system is pre-set to 35 to 40 psi at
(2) Remove the oil pan. Refer to paragraph
fulI governed speed with the engine oil hot. After
the engine has been run-in, the oil pressure
(3) Remove the capscrews and lockwashers
operating range is 25 to 35 psi at rated engine
which secure the oil pump to the cylinder block.
operating speed arld normal operating temperature.
(4) Loosen the nut at the oil pump end of the
The pressure at idle is approximately 15 psi. A
oil tube assembly. Remove the pump from the
relief valve in the oil pump returns the oil to the oil
cylinder block.
pan when the discharge pressure exceeds 70- 90
(1) Remove the screen retaining wire (1) and
3-6. Oil Pump
the oil screen (2). Remove the pump cover (5).
a. Removal.
(1) Position the distributor rotor to fire on the
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