![]() b. Installation.
(1) When installing the converter, use the
following procedure to ensure that the tangs of the
converter extend the proper depth into the pump.
(a) Without the shims on the pilot, install
the converter on the flywheel and tighten the
(b) Place a scale or rule across the tangs of
the converter and another scale from the face of the
flywheel housing to the scale across the tangs. Refer
to figure 2-7.
Figure 2-8. Checking converter alinement.
(b) Rotate the converter and note the dial
indicator reading. The hub runout should not
exceed 0.005 inch or 0.010 inch total indicator
(c) Rend the converter plate to adjust to the
correct reading. Do not use shims between the plate
and the flywheel.
(d) After correct alignment is obtained,
recheck the tang depth as described in (1), above.
(3) Use the for lowing procedure for installing
(a) Mount the converter to the flywheel by
installing the capscrew s and lockwashers through
the inspection plate in the flywheel bell housing.
(b) After the converter has been securely
installed, rotate the converter hub until the filler
Figure 2-7. Checking tang depth
hole appears an d add one quart of oil. Refer to the
(c) Record the measurement from the face
current LO 10-3930-624-12 for the proper oil-
of the tangs to the face of the housing.
(c) After the assembly has been installed in
(d) If the measurement is less than 2.968
the truck add 10 quarts of oil to the transmission.
inches. remove the converter and add shims at the
(d) InstaII the floor plate, toe plate, seat and
converter pilot to obtain the specified dimension.
support, battery and battery case and corner post.
(e) If the measurement is more than 2.982
2-10. Front Axle Assembly (Drive)
inches. i n s e r t a g a s k e t b e t w e e n t h e c o n v e r t e r
a. Removal.
housing and flywheel housing. Make the gasket the
(1) Remove the mast. Refer to paragraph 6-2.
thickness required to obtain the specified
(2) Disconnect the main hydraulic brake line
at the junction block located on the differential
(2) Use the following procedure to align the
housing. Disconnect the hydraulic lines or any
torque converter.
other lines which are attached to the front axle
(a) Mount the dial indicator as shown in
housing. Cap or plug openings.
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