![]() (c) Remove distributor (TM 10-3930-
1. Remove gear retaining ring (20,
(d) Remove steering axle assembly
2. Install gear puller and remove
gear (19) and key (16) from shaft.
(e) Remove timing gear cover (para 3-
3. File back of gear hub (side
facing cylinder block). This permits pressing gear further
(f) Remove lubricating oil pump (para
onto shaft, reducing thrust plate clearance.
(c) Check camshaft journals for out-of
(g) Rotate crankshaft until openings in
round and deviations from design diameters.
Specified diameters of camshaft journals are-
camshaft gear align with thrust plate capscrews (18, fig.
1. 1.248 inch to 1.249 inch for the
(h) If engine is in truck, push valve
flywheel end.
2. 1.998 inch to 1.999 inch for the
lifters (22, fig. 3-37) upward in cylinder block. In most
intermediate and gear end journals.
cases. they fit tight enough in the lifter bore to stay out of
(d) Check valve lifters for wear. Valve
the way of the cam lobes. If they do not stay out of the
way voluntarily, they may be lifted separately by rotating
lifters fit in their bores is 0.0010 inch to 0.0025 inch. If
the camshaft while removing it.
wear exceeds 0.0035 inch, lifters should be replaced.
(i) If the engine has been removed
Lifters must be free to rotate in their bores, otherwise
from truck, turn engine on its side, push the lifters up into
scuffing will result.
(2) Camshaft bearings.
their bores and they will stay out of the way of the
(a) Check camshaft bearings for
camshaft lobes during removal.
(j) Remove camshaft by drawing it out
excessive looseness, wear, or other damage.
(b) Check inside diameter of bearings
of the cylinder block at the gear end. Be careful to keep
it aligned with bore so that the camshaft bearings will not
for roundness and conformance to specifications, which
bind on the camshaft journals.
are -
(k) Remove valve lifters from the cylinder
1. 1.2510 inch to 1.254 inch for the
block by withdrawing them from their bores.
bearing at the flywheel end of engine.
(2) Camshaft bearings.
2. 2.0010 inches to 2.004 inches for
(a) Remove camshaft as described in
the intermediate and gear end camshaft bearings.
(c) If clearance between camshaft
(11 above.
(b) Remove flywheel housing (para 3-
journals and bearings exceeds 0.0065 inch, new
camshaft bearings must be installed.
(c) Remove camshaft hole plug (4, fig.
d. Installation.
(1) Camshaft bearings.
(d) If removing and installing tool is not
(a) Install camshaft bearings with
available, carefully cut through gear end bearing (5) with
camshaft bearing installing tool (fig. 3-38).
a hacksaw blade, being careful not to cut into crankcase.
(e) Break bearing with hammer and
The bearing nearest the flywheel end of
chisel and remove it.
block is 1.0 inch wide, intermediate is 7 /
(f) Remaining bearings (6 and 7) can
8 inch wide, and the gear end bearing is
be removed as outlined in (d) and (e) above, or with
1 1/8, inch wide.
installing tool (fig. 3-38).
(b) Drive bearings into place with a
c. Inspection and Repair.
driving bar.
They do not require reaming after
(1) Camshaft and lifters.
(a) Check camshaft thrust clearance
(c) Install new camshaft hole plug in
open end of bore in the flywheel housing mounting face
and camshaft bearing surface (fig. 3-39). Specified
of the cylinder block.
thrust clearance is 0.003 inch to 0.008 inch.
(2) Camshaft and valve lifters. Install by
(b) If end clearance exceeds maximum
direct reversal of procedures in b above.
wear limit of 0.014 inch, remove gear from camshaft and
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