![]() 1 Nut
13 Insulator
2 Stud
14 Insulator
3 Stud
15 Washer
4 Timing gear cover
16 Nut
5 Gasket
17 Lockwasher
6 Plate assembly
18 Capscrew
7 Gasket
19 Lockwasher
8 Stud
20 Capscrew
9 Capscrew
21 Lockwasher
10 Washer
22 Capscrew
11 Washer
23 Oil seal
12 Sleeve
Figure 3-40. Timing gear cover and rear support.
gear from flywheel without first ex-
3-26. Flywheel, Ring Gear, and Housing
a. Removal.
panding it.
(1) Remove transmission (para 3-16).
(5) Loosen capscrews on oil pan (para 3-12)
(2) Remove two of the flywheel mounting
to relieve pressure on pan section of oil seal in flywheel
capscrews (10, fig. 3-41), which are opposite each
other, and install a pair of guide studs.
(6) Remove two flywheel capscrews (7)
(3) Remove remaining mounting capscrews,
opposite each other, and install a pair of guide studs.
and slide flywheel (11) off over guide studs.
(7) Remove remaining housing capscrews
(4) If inspection indicates necessity of
and slide flywheel housing off over guide studs.
removing ring gear proceed as follows:
(8) If necessary, remove oil seal (1).
(a) Grind notch through gear (8) at
b. Inspection and Repair.
route of one of the teeth.
(1) Inspect oil seals for cracks, tears,
deterioration, deformation, or other damage.
(2) Inspect oil seal flange on engine side of
Be certain not to notch flywheel.
flywheel for nicks or burs. If defective, smooth with a fine
(b) Expand ring gear and drive from
stone or crocus cloth.
flywheel (11).
(3) Remove all burs and nicks from mating
surfaces of the flywheel and crankshaft flange.
Do not attempt to drive notched ring
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