![]() (d) Grinding wheels of 30, 45, and
If clearance is less than specified minimum, guides must
be reamed to obtain proper clearance. Inside diameter
of valve guide is 0.343 inch to 0.344 inch.
(5) Install tool pilot in position in valve guide.
(10) Valve seat inserts (21 and 22) are
Use a 45 grinding wheel for refacing valve seat and use
the 30 to 60 grinding wheels for narrowing the seat
replaceable. Standard seats are available for service.
Inspect valve seat inserts. If loose, cracked, or pitted
width to the specified 1 / 16 inch for intake and 3 / 32
new inserts must be installed. Inserts are a shrink fit in
inch for exhaust valve seats.
cylinder head. Remove insert shown in figure 3-36 by
(6) After a grinding wheel has been used
electric welding a bead around inside circumference of
several times, cutting angle of stone must be reground
insert on beveled portion. Allow insert to cool, then lift
and made true to obtain proper seat angle.
(7) After valve seats have been ground, use
dial gauge to check concentricity of valve seats relative
Protect machined surfaces from arc
to valve guides. Total runout of valve should not exceed
0.002 inch.
(11) Care must be exercised when installing
(8) After valve seats have been ground,
new valve seat inserts. Inserts are installed into cylinder
valves may be inserted in position in cylinder head and
head with a 0.0025 inch to 0.0045 inch shrink fit and
lapped in place, using fine grain valve lapping
must be started in place "true" with counterbore in
compound. After lapping, contact between valves and
cylinder head.
seats may be checked by wiping a thin film of Prussian
(a) Be sure insert counterbores in
Blue on each valve seat, setting valve in place, and
bouncing each valve once on its seat.
head are clean and free of burs.
(b) Thoroughly chill insert with dry ice.
Do not revolve valve when checking
(c) Clean counterbore with compressed
air and start insert into counterbore (valve seat side up).
(9) If valve seats are properly ground, a
(d) Using a valve seat installer tool,
continuous thin blue line will be evident around face of
drive insert down tight into counterbore. This operation
must be done quickly, while insert is cold.
(10) Clean valves and block and install valves
installation, stake valve seat in position with a center
h above.
punch at two or three points around edge of seat..
(11) Install cylinder head (para 3-20).
It will be necessary to refinish valve seat
3-24. Camshaft, Bearings, and Valve Lifters
inserts with a grinder ( i below).
a. Description. The camshaft is manufactured of
i. Valve and Valve Seat Grinding.
drop forged, open hearth steel. case hardened at the
Before installing new valves or valves
cams and journals, and is located in the rightside of the
previously used, valve seats in cylinder head should
engine block (as mounted in truck). Rigidly supported by
be inspected for proper valve seating.
four replaceable bronze bearings, the camshaft's end
previously used valves are to be reinstalled, valve stems
play is controlled by an end thrust plate at the timing gear
should be cleaned and valve faces ground to an angle of
end. The valve lifters ride on precision ground cams of
45. When refacing valves, remove just enough to clean
the shaft and provide the timing link between the
up seat, removing all evidence of pitting and grooving.
camshaft and valves through the push rods and rocker
Valve guide should be cleaned with a
arm assembly. The camshaft bearings seldom need
valve guide cleaning tool.
If bore of valve guide is
replacement or repair, and since it is necessary to
worn oblong, or if valve head is warped relative to valve
disassemble the entire crankcase to effectively check
stem, damaged parts must be replaced.
bearing to camshaft clearances, it is recommended that
(3) When new valve seat inserts are installed,
camshaft bearings be checked every time crankcase
or previously used inserts refaced, refinishing must be
disassembly allows access to the camshaft and
done with a valve grinder set because of very hard valve
seat material.
b. Removal.
It is very important that valve grinder
It is recommended that camshaft be
replaced only when engine is removed
from truck. However. in an emergency it
manufacturer's directions.
is possible to replace it without engine
(4) The usual equipment furnished with the
removal. Instructions below apply to
valve seat grinder set includes the following items:
both methods. however. if engine has
(a) Valve seat grinder.
already been removed from truck.
(b) Dial gauge.
disregard (a) and (e).
(c) Tool pilot.
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