![]() jackets, apply high pressure steam and water through all
(2) Drain lubricating oil by removing drain plug
block openings. Turn block in various positions while
from bottom of oil pan.
this is being done so that loose scale will be washed out.
(3) Remove transmission (para 3-16).
After oil and water passages have been cleaned and
(4) Remove starter motor (TM 10-3930-618-
block has been inspected, install expansion plugs (4, fig.
(5) Remove flywheel and flywheel housing
plugs should be coated with a sealing compound and
installed flush with, or below the surface, so that they will
(6) Remove crankshaft pulley as follows:
(a) Remove locknut (1, fig. 3-33).
not interfere with fit of attached parts.
(b) Using appropriate puller, remove
3-21. Crankshaft, Main Bearings, Gear, and Pulley
pulley (2).
a. Description.
(c) Remove key (6).
(1) Crankshaft.
The crankshaft is a
(7) Remove oil pan (para 3-12).
counterbalanced, heat-treated, steel drop forging drilled
(8) Remove timing gear cover from front plate
for pressure lubrication to main and connecting rod
bearings. It is balanced both statically and dynamically
(9) Remove lubricating oil pump (para 3-13).
and is supported by seven main bearings. Crankshaft
(10) Remove connecting rod bearing caps and
end thrust is taken by thrust flanges on each side of
bearing shells (para 3-22).
center main bearings.
(11) Remove main bearing caps and bearing
(2) Main bearings.
Main bearings are
shells as follows:
replaceable without machining. The front main bearing
(a) Remove capscrews (36, fig. 3-32)
is 1 1/16 inch long; the center main bearing is 1 7/8 inch
and lockwashers (15).
long, and the rear main bearing is 1 23/32 inch long. All
(b) Remove main bearing caps (9, 10,
intermediate bearings have an inside diameter of 2.5007
13, and 17) and bearing shells (28, 29, 34, and 35).
inches to 2.5024 inches with bearing caps tightened to
(12) Remove crankshaft (fig. 3-34).
specified torque (table 1-1). The main bearing caps are
(13) Use gear puller and remove crankshaft
attached to the cylinder block and line bored in position
timing drive gear (3, fig. 3-33) and key (5).
to receive the bearing shells. Each bearing cap is
c. Cleaning, Inspection, and Repair.
numbered and when removed should always be
(1) Clean all parts in cleaning solvent (Spec
reinstalled in respective position and corresponding to
P-S-661) and dry with compressed air.
the numbers stamped on the bottom of the cylinder
(2) Be sure to clean out the crankshaft oil
block. The upper halves of the main bearing shells are
seated in the lower part of the cylinder block. The lower
(3) Inspect crankshaft journals for scoring,
halves are held in place by the main bearing caps, each
chipping, cracking, signs of overheating, or other
of which is attached to the cylinder block by capscrews
damage. If crankshaft has been overheated (usually
and lockwashers. Each half of the bearing shell is
indicated by discolored or blue bearing journal surfaces),
prevented from radial movement by a tang at the parting
is scored, or excessively worn, then reconditioning or
line on one side of the bearing shell. A spring loaded,
replacement will be necessary.
lip-type oil seal is used at the rear of the crankshaft to
(4) Recheck crankshaft journals for fine
seal the crankcase oil from the flywheel compartment. A
cracks if signs of overheating are observed.
spring loaded, lip-type oil seal, pressed into the timing
(5) Measure crankshaft main bearing and
gear cover located on the front of the engine, is used to
connecting rod journals at several points on their
seal the crankcase oil from leaking out at the front end of
diameter to check for out-of-roundness. The specified
the crankshaft.
(3) Gear and pulley. The gear and pulley are
diameter of the main bearing journals is 2.4984 inches to
2.4994 inches; the specified diameter of the connecting
installed, in that order, on the front end (threaded end) of
rod journals is 2.1214 inches to 2.1224 inches.
the crankshaft.
(6) All main and connecting rod bearings
b. Removal. Inspection can be made of crankshaft
surfaces of the crankshaft are hardened to a depth of
main bearings and journals by removing oil pan and
0.070 inch.
removing bearing caps one at a time. If crankshaft has
d. Installation. Install crankshaft in reverse order of
been damaged, removal of engine is necessary for shaft
procedure of b above, except -
(1) Inset key (15, fig. 3-33 into shaft.
(1) Remove engine (para 2-9).
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