![]() installation, and where necessary the adjustment of
(12) Attach a suitable lifting sling and hoist to
these components as authorized by the maintenance
the two lifting studs provided on engine head.
allocation chart (TM 10-3930-618-20).
(13) Raise engine, high enough to clear engine
supports. Move engine toward rear to free transmission
from drive shaft slip joint. Then raise and remove engine
2-9. Power Plant
from truck.
a. Removal.
(1) Refer to TM 10-3930-618-20 and perform
the following:
Use care when removing engine;
(a) Remove the overhead guard.
(b) Remove the operators seat and
make certain that no parts are
engine hood.
damaged by careless handling.
(c) Remove toe plate and floor plate.
(14) After engine assemble with transmission
(2) Remove counterweight (TM 10-3930-618-
has been removed from truck, it is recommended that all
accessories be removed for ease of engine disassembly.
(3) Drain engine cooling system and remove
Enough pans or boxes should be available so that
radiator and hose connections. (TM 10-3930-618-20).
components removes from the engine can be placed in
(4) Disconnect hydraulic noses at pump and
them and kept separated, making reinstallation easier
remove hose clamps on each side of oil pan holding
and quicker. For specific instructions on removal and
hoses in position. Lines, should then be tied out of the
installation of accessories, refer to the appropriate
sections of T.M 10-3930-618-20, and of this manual.
(5) Disconnect wiring harness terminals from
b. Separating Engine From Converter and
engine, being careful not to damage leads.
convenience in reinstallation, tag all terminals showing
(1) Attach sling and hoist to transmission case
where wires should be installed.
and then take up slack until there is no weight on slings,
(6) Disconnect fuel lines (TM 10-3930-618-
but slings are straight.
(2) Remove capscrews and lockwashers
(7) Disconnect all throttle (TM 10-3930-618-
securing the converter housing to the flywheel (fig. 2-1).
20) and shift linkage (para 5-6).
(3) Disconnect the cooler lines at bottom right
(8) Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold
side of sump.
(TM 10-3930-618-20).
(4) Drain oil from transmission by removing
(9) Disconnect carburetor air inlet hose from
drain plug from sump.
(5) Carefully work transmission away from
(10) Disconnect the propeller shaft (para 5-21).
engine and flywheel housing.
(11) Remove nuts, washers, and capscrews
securing front and rear engine mounts to truck frame.
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