![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
5 - 1 . General
s e m b l e the rear propeller shaft.
This chapter contains information on the
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
m a i n t e n a n c e of the propeller shafts. This in-
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly, using sol-
c l u d e s the front propeller shaft, rear propeller
v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
s h a f t , and the engine propeller shaft. The front
p r o p e l l e r shaft drives the front wheels, the rear
( 2 ) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks, ex-
p r o p e l l e r shaft drives the rear wheels, and the
c e s s i v e wrar, or any other damage.
e n g i n e propeller shaft is mounted to the engine
( 3 ) Replace any unserviceable part with a
a n d the input shaft on the transmission. The
s e r v i c e a b l e part.
u n i v e r s a l joints are disconnected in order to
r e m o v e the shafts.
s e m b l e the rear propeller shaft.
e. Installation. Install the rear propeller
shaft (TM 10-3930-242-12). Torque universal
a. Removal. Remove the front propeller shaft
j o i n t bearing capscrews to 55-60 ft-lbs.
(TM 10-3930-242-12).
5-4. Engine Propeller Shaft
s e m b l e the front propeller shaft in numerical
a. Removal. Remove the engine propeller
shaft (TM 10-3930-242-12).
c . Cleaning and Inspection.
s e m b l e the engine propeller shaft in numerical
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly, using sol-
v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
c . Cleaning and Inspection.
( 2 ) Inspect all parts for cracks, abrasions,
(1) Clean all parts thoroughly, using sol-
s c o r i n g , and looseness.
v e n t P-D-680, or equal.
( 3 ) Replace unserviceable parts with ser-
( 2 ) Inspect for nicks and burrs.
v i c e a b l e parts.
( 3 ) Inspect all parts for cracks, breaks, and
s e m b l e the front propeller shaft.
( 4 ) Replace all unserviceable parts.
e. Installation. Install the front propeller
shaft (TM 10-3930-242-12). Torque universal
s e m b l e the engine propeller shaft.
j o i n t bearing capscrews to 55-60 ft-lbs.
e. Installation. I n s t a l l t h e e n g i n e p r o p e l l e r
5-3. Rear Propeller Shaft
s h a f t (TM 10-3930-242-12). Torque the univer-
a. Removal. Remove the rear propeller shaft
sal joint bearing capscrews to 55 ft-lbs.
(TM 10-3930-242-12).
5-6. Axle Assemblies
5 - 5 . General
a. R e m o v a l . Refer to paragraph 2-7 and re-
This section
contains information on the
m o v e the axle assembly.
m a i n t e n a n c e of
the front and rear axle assemb-
b. Disassembly.
lies, differential
lockout, and parking brake. The
( 1 ) Refer to figure 5-4 and disassemble the
maintenance on
the front and rear axle assemb-
a x l e assembly in numerical sequence.
lies are almost
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