![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
(6) Remove nicks, burrs, and mars from
m a c h i n e d or ground surfaces with crocus cloth.
Before disassembly of the axle, remove the plug (15)
I n s u r e that threads are clean and free and are
and drain oil from hub assembly (45) and remove
n o t worn beyond limitations.
theplug (157) and drain the oil from the axle hous-
d. Reassembly.
ing (163).
(2) Remove outside trunnion (1 thru 8). Re-
m o v e bearing (9) and remove rear trunnion as-
Refer to the lubrication order for bearings, shaft,
gear, differential oil and oil for other intricate mov-
ing parts that require lubrication.
( 3 ) Remove planetary gears and hub (15
(1) Refer to figure 5-4 and reassemble the
t h r u 56). Do not disassemble spider assembly
axle assembly.
u n l e s s necessary.
(2) Install mounting hardward (144 thru
162) on axle housing (163 and 164).
Use wrench, FSN 5120-009-8602 to remove spindle
( 3 ) Reassemble the differential pinion and
nut (40).
bearings (124 thru 143) as follows:
(4) Remove brake hose at fitting (57) and
r e m o v e the brake assembly (57 thru 61).
w i t h specified light oil. Coat bearing cups (135
( 5 ) Remove spindle assembly (62 thru 66)
and 139) with a thin film of oil.
and remove axle (66) from support (83) and hous-
(b) Press rear thrust bearing (138) and
ing (90).
r a d i a l bearing (141) firmly against pinion gear
(6) Remove steering support (83) from hous-
shoulders (140) with a proper sleeve that will fit
i n g (90) and remove housing from axle housing
only on inner bearing race (141).
(c) A d e q u a t e l y s u p p o r t p i n i o n s h a f t i n a
( 7 ) Remove opposite axle and steering sup-
h o l d i n g device. Install radial bearing lockring
p o r t in the same manner as described above.
(143) and place into pinion shaft groove. Insure
t h a t lockring seats properly into the groove.
Both axles must be removed in order to remove
(d) Place pinion (140) and bearing assem-
c a r r i e r assembly.
bly (134) into pinion cage (136) and position
(8) Remove carrier assembly (96). Break
spacer (137) over the pinion shaft (140). The
carrier loose from axle housing (164) with a raw-
spacer is ground to proper length to obtain
hide mallet.
specific bearing preload of 13 to 20 inch pounds
r o l l i n g pinion bearing resistance.
(e) P r e s s f r o n t b e a r i n g ( 1 3 4 ) f i r m l y
Do not disassemble the carrier assembly unless ab-
a g a i n s t spacer (137).
s o l u t e l y necessary.
(f) Slowly rotate cage several turns to in-
(9) Center punch one differential carrier leg
s u r e normal bearing contact.
(96) and bearing cap (103) to identify for proper
(g) Lubricate pinion shaft oil seal (132)
a n d cover outer edge of seal body with a non-
( 1 0 ) Disassemble the carrier assembly (96
hardening sealing compound.
thru 123).
(h) Install flange (127), washer (126), and
(11) Punch mark case (123) and gear (122) to
nut (125). Tighten to 525 foot pounds.
i d e n t i f y for proper reassembly.
(i) Install pinion and bearing assembly in
( 1 2 ) Remove differential bearings and pinion
c a r r i e r assembly (96) until outer pinion bearing
gear (124 thru 143).
cup cage (136) is approximately 1/4 inch from face
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
o f carrier. During this operation, insure that oil
(1) Clean all parts.
r e t u r n holes are in line.
( 2 ) Inspect all bearings, cups, cones and
(j) I n s t a l l s h i m s b e t w e e n b e a r i n g c u p
g e a r s for excessive wear, looseness, ridges, pit-
cage (136) and face of carrier (96).
t e d , and scoring.
(k) Drive pinion assembly (14) into posi-
( 3 ) Inspect axle shafts for torsional frac-
tion and install the bearing case bolts. Torque to
t u r e , stress, excessive wear or other impending
s p e c i f i e d torque. Refer to paragraph 1-7b(8).
( 4 ) Inspect housing for cracks or damage.
( 5 ) Replace parts if worn, pitted or dam-
There are 6 bolts holding in the retainer (131) and
a g e d . Replace all gaskets and seals with new
bearing case (136). The locating bolt is inch and
the other 5 bolts are 9/16 inch.
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