![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
also be mounted in only one position as result of
the bearing cap bolts unlformly tight starting
the location of the keyway relative to the, cams.
with center cap and working alternately toward
Therefore, when the engine is properly timedd,
both ends of the block, to 120-130 foot-pounds
the markings on the various gears will match as
torque. Tighten the bolts to the high side of the
shown in figure 3-63.
torque specification but do nut exceed the limit.
( 3 ) When an engine is suspected of being
o u t of time, due to an improperly assembled
If bearings have been installed properly, the
gear train, a quick check can be made without
crankshaft will turn freely with all main bearing
having to remove the flywheel and flywheel
cap bolts drawn to specified torque.
h o u s i n g by following the procedure outlined
(5) Check crankshaft end play at thrust
w a s h e r s . The cranks shaft clearance with new
c . Checking Engine Timing. Access to the
thrust washers should be from 0.0040.011 inch.
c r a n k s h a f t pulley, to mark the top-dead-center
I n s u f f i c i e n t clearance will usually denote mis-
position of the selected piston and to the front
a l i g n m e n t of the rear main bearing. In such
end of the crankshaft or flywheel for barring the
c a s e , loosen the bearing cap, then retighten as
engine over is necessary in performing the tim-
described above. If lack of clearance is still pres-
ing check. Then, proceed as follows:
ent, either dirt or a burr on the inner face of one
( 1 ) Remove the cylinder head rocker arm
or more of the thrust washers may be the cause.
cover (TM 10-3930-242-12).
(6) Refer to figure 3-62 and install the
(2) Select any cylinder for the timing
checkit is suggested that a cylinder adjacent to
( 7 ) Reposition the rocker arms and adjust
one of the cylinder head cover studs be chosen
since the stud may be used for mounting a dial
(8) Install the fuel oil pipes on the fuel in-
j e c t o r s (para 3-14), and install the rocker arm
cover (TM 10-3930-242-12).
(3) Remove the fuel jumper lines (at the cy-
( 9 ) Install the front cover and oil pump
linder selected) and install shipping caps on in-
jector fuel fittings to prevent the entry of dirt.
(10) Install the flywheel housing (para 3-22).
M a k e sure that the valve and injector rocker
(11) Install the oil screen and inlet pipe (para
arms are in the "up" position, then remove the
rocker shaft bracket bolts and swing the rocker
(12) Install the oil pan (para 3-24).
arm assemblies back out of the way. Remove the
(13) Install the engine (para 2-5).
i n j e c t o r assembly.
(4) Carefully place (do not drop) a welding
3-33. Gear Train and Engine Timing
r o d or drill rod approximately 12 inches long
a. General. The gear train consists of a crank-
through the injector hole and on top of the pis-
shaft gear, and idler gear, a camshaft gear and a
ton. With the throttle in the NO FUEL position,
b a l a n c e shaft gear. The crankshaft gear, cam-
b a r the crankshaft slowly in the direction of
s h a f t gear, and balance shaft gears are pressed
r o t a t i o n of the engine, and stop barring when
on and keyed to their respective shafts and each
t h e rod reaches the end of its upward travel.
gear is secured by a retaining nut and lock
Remove the rod and bar the crankshaft opposite
p l a t e . The idler gear rotates on a stationary
the direction of rotation between 1/16 and 1/8 of a
(5) Select a dial indicator having 0.001 inch
b . Engine Timing.
graduations and with a spindle movement of at
(1) The correct relationship between the
least 1 inch. Use suitable mounting attach-
c r a n k s h a f t and camshaft must be maintained to
ments for the indicator so that it can be
p r o p e r l y control fuel injection and the opening
m o u n t e d over the injector hole in the cylinder
a n d closing of the exhaust valves.
head. Provide an extension for the spindle of the
indicator. The extension must be long enough to
An engine which is "but of time" may result in
contact the piston as it is approaching its upper
preignition, uneven running, and a loss of power.
(2) The crankshaft timing gear can be
( 6 ) Mount the indicator over the injector
h o l e and tighten mountings sufficiently to hold
m o u n t e d in only one position due to its being
t h e indicator rigid.
k e y e d to the crankshaft. The camshaft gear can
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