![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
haust valve when tightening rocker shaft
enough pressure to keep the part flat on the
bracket bolts. Note position of exhaust
block at all times. Do not lap excessively. When
valve bridge, before, during, and after
p a r t is flat, wash in cleaning solvent and dry
tightening the rocker shaft bracket bolts.
t h o r o u g h l y with compressed air.
( 4 ) Place dry part on second block; apply
(3) Move rocker arm assembly into position
l a p p i n g powder. Repeat action.
a n d tighten rocker arm bracket bolts.
(5) Place dry part on third block. Do not use
lapping powder on this block. Keep the part flat
Do not bend fuel pipes and do not exceed
a n d move across block several times using the
specified torque. Excessive torque will
figure eight motion. Lapping dry part in this
twist or fracture flared end of fuel line
m a n n e r gives the "mirror" finish required for
and result in leaks. Lubricating oil di-
p e r f e c t sealing. Wash all lapped parts in clean
luted by fuel oil can cause serious dam-
solvent and dry with clean, dry compressed air.
3 - 2 5 and reassemble the fuel injector.
(4) Remove shipping caps. Align the fuel
i. Spray Tip Concentricity Check.
p i p e s and connect them to the injector and fuel
(1) Place the injector in the concentricity
gage (fig. 3-30).
k . Fuel Injector Timing.
( 2 ) Adjust the dial indicator to "O". Rotate
( 1 ) Place the speed control lever in idle
t h e injector 360 degrees and note the total run-
speed position. If a stop lever is provided, secure
out as indicated on dial. If total runout exceeds
it in no-fuel position.
0 . 0 0 8 inch, remove injector from gage. Loosen
i n j e c t o r nut, recenter spray tip, tighten the nut
If a wrench is used on crankshaft bolt at
t o 75-80 foot pounds torque, and recheck con-
the front of engine, do not turn crank-
shaft in a left-hand direction of rotation
j . Installation. Before installing an injector in
or the bolt will be loosened.
a n engine, remove carbon deposits from the be-
veled seat of injector tube in the cylinder head.
(2) Rotate the crankshaft, manually or with
T h i s will assure correct alignment of injector
t h e starter, until the exhaust valves are fully
a n d prevent any undue stress from being emp-
depressed on the particular cylinder to be timed.
l o y e d against the spray tip. Use the injector
( 3 ) Place small end of the injector timing
t u b e bevel reamer to clean carbon from injector
g a g e in hole provided in top of injector body,
tube. Exercise care to remove only the carbon so
w i t h flat of gage toward injector.
t h a t the proper clearance between the injector
(4) Loosen push rod locknut.
b o d y and cylinder head is maintained, Pack the
( 5 ) Turn the push rod and adjust the injec-
f l u t e s of reamer with grease to retain carbon
t o r rocker arm until the extended part of gage
removed from tube. Install fuel injectors as fol-
will just pass over top of injector follower.
(6) Hold push rod and tighten locknut.
(1) Refer to figure 3-20 to install in fuel in-
C h e c k the adjustment and readjust, if neces-
jector. Be sure the dowel pin in the injector body
r e g i s t e r s with the dowel pin hole in the head,
( 7 ) Time the remaining injectors, as out-
Position injector rack control lever so the lower
l i n e d above.
e n d of lever engages injector rack.
(8) Use new gaskets and install valve rocker
( 2 ) Install the injector bracket and torque
cover (TM 10-3930-242-12).
b o l t to 20-25 foot pounds and recheck to make
sure bracket does not interfere with inject or fol-
a. General. Located in the cylinder head are
l o w e r spring or exhaust valve spring.
the exhaust valves, fuel injectors, and three
r o c k e r arms for each cylinder. One rocker arm
Cheek the injector rack for free movement. Ex-
operates. the injector plunger; the other two op-
cess torque can cause the injector control rack to
e r a t e the exhaust valves. The rocker arms are
stick or bind,
o p e r a t e d by the camshaft through cam follow-
e r s and push rods.
There is a possibility of damaging the
b. Removal.
exhaust valves if the exhaust valve
(1) Remove rocker arm cover (TM
bridge is not resting on the ends of ex-
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