![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
tact face. Maximum allowable runout is 0.005
(1) After removal, dean flywheel housing,
t h o r o u g h l y , using solvent P-D-680, or equal.
i n c h total indicator reading.
( 2 ) It is very important that all old gasket
(5) Install the engine (para 2-5).
m a t e r i a l be thoroughly removed from flywheel
3-22. Flywheel Housing
h o u s i n g and end plate, otherwise, run out of
pilot aid face of housing may be affected when
a. General. A combination flywheel housing
h o u s i n g is installed on engine.
a n d gear train cover is attached to the rear cy-
( 3 ) Inspect the crankshaft rear oil seal.
l i n d e r block end plate and houses the flywheel
d. Installation.
a n d gear train.
b. Removal. The flywheel housing may be re-
moved from the engine by two different
Lubricate the gear train teeth before installing
m e t h o d s ; either by mounting the engine on the
flywheel housing.
o v e r h a u l stand, or by removing the oil pan, oil
(1) Affix a new housing-to-end plate gasket
p u m p inlet pipe and screen and supporting the
to the rear face of end plate.
engine on wood blocks or a steel frame.
( 2 ) Apply a light coat of high temperature
(1) Remove the engine (para 2-5).
cup grease to lip of crankshaft rear oil seal. Do
(2) Remove the oil pan (para 3-24).
n o t use hypoid gear lubricants.
(3) Remove the flywheel as outlined in
( 3 ) To pi l o t th e s e a l ont o t h e crankshaf t
successfully, use an oil seal expander tool on the
( 4 ) Remove
e n d of crankshaft. Also thread two aligning
s t u d s into cylinder block, to guide the housing
(5) Remove the engine driven hydraulic
into place.
pump (TM 10-3930-242-12).
( 4 ) With housing suitably supported, posi-
(6) Remove the limiting speed governor
tion housing over crankshaft and up against cy-
l i n d e r block rear end plate and gasket.
( 7 ) Remove the fuel and hydraulic pump
( 5 ) Install the flywheel housing attaching
drive (TM 10-3930-242-12).
b o l t - s , lockwashers, and copper washers in re-
( 8 ) Remove
v e r s e sequence from which they were removed,
fingertight only.
(9) Remove the two outside blower drive
( 6 ) For the sequence of initial tightening,
and flywheel housing
refer to figure 3-46. Starting at No. 1, draw all of
b o l t s , lockwasher and plain washer.
t h e housing bolts up snug.
( 7 ) For the final tightening sequence, refer
When removing the flywheel housing bolts, note
t o figure 3-47. Starting at No. 1, tighten all of
the location of the various size bolts, lockwashers,
t h e housing bolts to their specified torque. The
and copper washers, so they may be reinstalled in
5/16inch-18 and 3/8 inch-16 idler gear hub and
their proper location at reassembly.
s p a c e r bolts should be tightened to 19-23 and
(10) Remove the bolts and lockwashers in-
4 0 - 4 5 foot-pounds torque. Tighten all the re-
side of flywheel housing (flywheel cavity), which
m a i n i n g 3/8 inch-16 bolts to 30-35 foot-pounds
a t t a c h the housing to end plate and cylinder
torque, and the 3/8 inch-24 bolts to 35-40 foot-
b l o c k . Remove the remaining bolts around the
pounds torque.
upper portion of housing also, the bolts which go
(8) Install the breather (TM 10-3930-
t h r o u g h the rear end plate from the front and
t h r e a d into the housing,
(9) Install the two outside blower drive
( 1 1 ) Thread eye bolts into tapped holes in
s u p p o r t to flywheel housing bolts, lockwashers,
pads on top or sides of flywheel housing. Attach
a n d plain washers. Tighten bolts to 30-35 foot-
a chain hoist with suitable sling to eyebolts,
pounds torque.
t h e n strike the front face of housing alternately
o n each side of engine with a soft hammer to
loosen and work it off dowel pins. Lift the hous-
A long bolt or stud threaded into one of the tapped
holes in the end of the crankshaft IS NOT a suita-
ing away from cylinder block rear end plate.
ble support for the dial indicator and use of such a
(12) Remove all traces of old gasket mater-
s u p p o r t probably will result in inaccurate read-
i a l from the cylinder block rear end plate and
h o u s i n g . Do not scratch gasket flange surface.
c. Cleaning and Inspection.
( 1 0 ) Using a dial indicator, check flywheel
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