![]() (2)
Turn adjusting screw (10, fig. 9) in
(4) Check for correct angle of valve seat. If
slightly and lift the valve lifter
it is necessary to change the angle of
assembly out through valve opening.
the valve seat, proceed as follows:
(3) Follow the procedure in (1) and (2)
Close off all cylinder block
above to remove the other lifters.
openings to keep grinding dust
b. Installation. Reverse procedures in a above.
(b) Lubricate grinder pilot and
26. Valve Springs and Locks
install pilot firmly in valve guide.
(c) Position grinder on pilot; take
successive light cuts until valve
seat face is free of all defects
b. Testing.
and not less than %, inch wide
(1) Test springs with spring tester to be sure
at narrowest point.
that they show 47 to 53 pounds
(d) Check angle of valve and oat
pressure at 1 21/32 inches.
after grinding first eat; then
(2) Check valve spring retainer locks (8, fig.
grind remaining intake or
exhaust eats using correctly
dinesd stone.
Using correct
(3) If defects are found in locks or springs,
stones, grind all exhaust valve
replace with new ones.
seats, then all intake valve
c. Installation. Reverse procedure in a above.
(e) Apply a small amount of valve-
27. Crankshaft
grinding compound on face of
new or reconditioned valve;
a. Removal.
install small spring on stem; and
(1) Remove engine from truck (par. 12a).
place valve in its proper port.
(2) Remove oil pump (par. 16a).
Using a valve lapper, rotate
(3) Remove converter adapter plate (21, fig.
valve back and forth on the
valve eat. Release pressure so
(4) Remove engine rear end plate by
that spring forces valve up, turn
removing attaching capscrews and
valve a few degrees, and turn
back and forth a few more
(5) Remove timing gear cover (par. 18a).
times. Lift out valve and clean
(6) Remove the cotter pins (12) and nuts
valve seat with SD. Check to
(13) from bolts (5) and take off lower
see that valve is seating
half of rod connecting assembly (4)
with sleeve bearing.
(5) Repeat the procedure in (4) above for
(7) Push rod assembly (4) and piston (2) to
the other valve seat
top of cylinder.
(6) Install valves (par. 22c).
Repeat (6) through (7) above for
remaining five pistons.
25. Valve Lifters
(9) Remove rear filler block (87, fig. 4) and
a. Removal
seal by taking out two bolts and
(1) Remove valve ((1) through (6), par.
Valve poppet, intake
Spring, valve
Valve poppet, exhaust
Seats, valve spring
Locks, spring retainer
Caps, valve item
Seat, exhaust valve
Screw, adjusting, valve lifter
Guide, valve stem intake
Lifters, valve
Guide valve stem, exhaust
Figure 9. Engine valves. Exploded view.
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