![]() (2)
Removal of sector gearshaft and side cover.
(d) Lubricate valve spool with automatic
(a) Disconnect hoses, and remove steering
transmission fluid, Type "A". Slide spool over stub shaft
with notch toward valve body. Align notch with spool
gear from truck (refer to para 2-9).
drive pin in stub shaft and carefully engage spool in
(b) Drain out as much of remaining oil as
valve body bore. Push the spool evenly and slowly with
a slight oscillating motion until spool reaches drive pin.
(c) Rotate stub shaft (20) until sector
Rotate the spool slowly with pressure until the notch
gearshaft (13) is in center position and remove side
engages the pin. Before pushing the spool completely
cover retaining screws (54). Tap the end of gearshaft
in, make sure the dampener packing (11) is evenly
with soft mallet and slide gearshaft out of housing.
distributed in the spool groove. Slowly push the spool
(d) Remove side cover packing (56) from
completely in. Take extreme care not to cut or pinch the
side cover and discard.
(3) Disassembly.
(e) Place seal protecting tool over stub shaft.
(a) Hold lash adjuster (48) with a hex key
Slide spool spring over seal protector and work spool
wrench and remove the lash adjuster nut (53) and
spring (58) down until it is seated in stub shaft groove.
discard. Screw lash adjuster out of side cover (52).
Take care not to mar sealing surface of stub shaft.
(b) Remove the sector gearshaft seal
(f) Lubricate a new cap-to-worm packing (18)
retaining ring (29), and then remove the outer back-up
with automatic transmission fluid, Type "A", and install
washer (28). Tap a screwdriver between the outer seal
in valve assembly.
and the inner back-up washer and pry out the seal. Tap
(6) Installation.
the screwdriver between the inner seal and the shoulder
(a) Align valve body drive pin in the worm
in the gear housing and pry out the seal. Be careful not
(17) with the narrow pin slot on the valve body (21).
to damage the seal bore. Discard seals.
Insert the valve assembly into the gear housing (46).
(c) Remove needle bearing (27) from gear
Do not push against stub shaft as this may cause stub
housing bore by pressing on the stamped identification
shaft and cap to pull out of the valve body, allowing
end of the bearing. Discard bearing.
spool seal to slip into valve body oil grooves. Valve
(4) In-process inspection.
assembly should be pushed in by pressing against valve
(a) Inspect the sleeve bearing (51) in the side
body with finger tips. Be sure valve is properly seated
cover (52) for excessive wear or scoring. If badly worn
before assembling adjuster plug assembly. Return hole
or scored, replace the side cover and bearing as an
in gear housing should be fully visible at this time.
(b) Install adjuster plug (61) assembly as
(b) Check the sector gearshaft teeth and the
outlined in a. (4) above.
bearing and seal surfaces. If badly worn, pitted, or
c. Sector Gearshaft Assembly and Side Cover.
scored, replace the gearshaft assembly.
(1) Removal of pitman shaft seals with gear in
(5) Assembly.
(a) Assemble new needle bearing (27, fig. 11-
(a) Remove the steering arm nut (31, fig. 11-
pressing against stamped identification end. Press in
basin beneath the steering gear to catch draining oil.
until bearing clears shoulder in gear housing 0.030 inch
(b) Remove the sector gearshaft seal
retaining ring (29), and the outer seal back-up washer
(b) Lubricate new gearshaft seals in
automatic transmission fluid, Type "A". Install the single
(c) With the engine running, and the hoses
lip seal first, then a back-up washer. Drive the seal and
attached, momentarily hold the steering wheel in the
washer in far enough to provide clearance for the other
extreme left turn position. This actuates valve, allowing
seal, and back-up washer, and retaining ring (29). Seal
pressure to build up on upper side of piston, and in
must not bottom on end of counterbore. Install double
gearshaft chamber, thereby forcing out seals (33 and
lip seal and second back-up washer. Drive seal and
34) and inner seal back-up washer (28). To prevent
back-up washer in only far enough to provide clearance
undue oil loss and pump wear, do not hold wheel for
for the retaining ring. Install sector gearshaft retaining
more than a second or two at a time.
ring, making certain that the ring is seated properly.
(d) Turn off engine. Remove seals and the
(c) Assemble side cover (52) and bearing
inner back-up washer from the shaft and discard the
(51) assembly on the sector gearshaft assembly. Screw
the lash adjuster (48) through the side cover
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