![]() .
f. Rack-Piston and Worm Assembly and Gear
until the side cover bottoms on the gearshaft, and back
off 1/2 turn.
Housing Assembly.
(6) Installation.
(1) Removal.
(a) Lubricate the new side cover packing (56)
(a) Remove housing end plug as outlined in
and install in the groove in the face of the side cover.
d. (1) above.
(b) Turn the stub shaft (20) as necessary until
(b) Remove rack-piston end plug as outlined
the middle rack groove is aligned with the center of the
in e. (1) above.
gearshaft needle bearing (27).
(c) Remove sector gearshaft as outlined in c.
(c) Install the gear shaft so that the center
(2) above.
tooth in the sector meshes with the center groove of the
(d) Insert rack-piston arbor (see fig. 2-3 for
rack-piston nut (35). Make sure that the side cover
tool details) in end of worm (17, fig. 11-2). Rotate stub
packing is in place before pushing the side cover down
shaft to left turn, which will force rack-piston nut (35)
on the gear housing.
onto arbor and remove rack-piston nut from gear
(d) Install the side cover screws (54) and
housing, taking care to keep arbor in place in the rack-
tighten to 30 to 35 foot pounds.
piston nut or the balls will fall out. If rack-piston nut is
(e) Install lash adjuster nut (53) on lash
being removed to replace the piston ring (37) and back-
adjuster without tightening. Adjust gearshaft (refer to f.
up packing (36), reassemble without further
below). Hold lash adjuster from rotating with a hex key
wrench and tighten lash adjuster nut to 20 to 30 foot
(e) Remove valve as outlined in b. (2) above.
(f) Remove worm, lower thrust bearing and
d. Housing End Plug.
(1) Removal.
(2) Disassembly.
(a) Rotate end plug retainer ring (40, fig. 11-
(a) Cut piston ring (37) and packing (36)
back-up seal, remove from rack-piston nut (35) and
housing. Spring one end of ring with punch to allow
screwdriver to be inserted to lift ring out.
(b) Remove screws and lock washers (45)
(b) Do not rotate further than necessary, or
from rack-piston nut with screwdriver.
the balls from the rack and worm assembly will fall off
(c) Remove ball return guide clamp (44).
the end of the worm. Rotate stub shaft (20) with 3/4
(d) Place the assembly on a clean cloth and
inch box end or socket wrench to full left turn position
remove ball return guides (43) and arbor. Make sure all
and force end plug (39) out of housing.
of the balls (42) are caught on the cloth.
(c) Remove and discard housing end plug
(3) In-process inspection.
packing (41).
(a) Inspect housing. If bore is badly scored or
(2) Installation.
worn, replace housing. If connectors (14 and 15) are
(a) Lubricate new housing end plug packing
badly dented or scored, replace them. To remove
(41) with automatic transmission fluid, Type "A", and
connectors, tap threads in connectors, using a 5/16-18
install in gear housing (46).
tap. Thread a screw with nut and flat washer attached
(b) Insert housing end plug (39) into gear
into tapped hole. To pull connector, hold screw from
housing and seat against packing.
rotating while turning nut off screw. This will pull
(c) Install end plug retainer ring (40) with
connector from gear housing. Discard connectors.
fingers. Install one end of ring and work ring into groove
(b) Inspect ball plug (26) in housing. If it is
until seated. Slight tapping may be required to securely
leaking or raised above housing surface, drive it in flush,
bottom retainer ring in gear housing.
to 1/16 inch below the surface. Tighten ball by staking
e. Rack-Piston End Plug.
the housing. If leakage cannot be stopped, housing
(1) Removal.
must be replaced.
(a) Remove housing end plug as outlined in
(c) Inspect all seal surfaces and retaining ring
d. (1) above.
grooves for defects. If any defects are found, housing
(b) Remove rack-piston end plug (38, fig. 11-
must be replaced.
(d) At initial assembly, the rack-piston nut,
square hole in the plug and turning counterclockwise.
worm and balls are selected to obtain a preload of to 4
(2) Installation.
inch pounds measured on center through an angle of 90
degrees. This preload may drop during service, without
(a) Turn plug into rack-piston and tighten to
having any noticeable effect on steering.
50 to 100 foot pounds.
complaint of loose or hard steering, thrust bearing
(b) Install housing end plug as outlined in d.
adjustment and overcenter adjustment will correct the
(2) above.
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