![]() visual inspection on a flat surface it can be determined
damaging it. If the valve spool dampener packing
in which direction the spool is cocked. A few very light
requires replacement, remove valve spool only,
taps with a light soft plastic or rawhide mallet should
replacing packing, and reinstall spool immediately. Do
align the spool in the bore and free it.
not disassemble further.
(e) Remove dampener seal packing (11) from
Note. It is very uncommon to have to
spool and discard.
make any service repairs to the
(f) Providing the rings show evidence of
valve, with the exception of the valve
excessive wear, carefully cut valve rings (22) and ring
spool dampener parking.
back-up packing (23), remove and discard. The valve
(2) Removal.
rings are made of filled teflon and it is very unusual that
(a) Remove adjuster plug as outlined under
replacement is required.
a. above.
(4) In-process inspection.
(b) Remove valve from gear by grasping stub
(a) If the valve leaks externally around the
shaft (20, fig. 11-2) and pulling out valve and stub shaft.
torsion bar (19) replace the entire assembly.
(3) Disassembly.
(b) Check the pin in the valve body (21)
(a) Remove packing (18) and discard.
which engages the cap. If it is badly damaged, replace
(b) Remove spool spring (58) by prying small
the entire valve assembly.
coil, using small screwdriver. Do not pry against the
(c) Check the worm pin groove (the smaller
valve body (21) as this may result in a sticky valve.
of the two) in the valve body. If it is damaged, replace
Work spring onto bearing diameter of the stub shaft
the entire valve assembly.
(20). Slide the spring off the stub shaft.
(d) Check the spool drive pin in the stub shaft
(c) Remove valve spool (57) with extreme
(20). If it is worn badly, cracked, or broken, replace the
entire valve assembly.
Caution: The clearance between the
(e) Examine the spool (57) surface for nicks
valve body and the spool may be as
and burrs. If any are found, they may be removed with
low as 0.0004 inch. The slightest
a very fine hone. A slight polishing is normal on the
cocking of the spool may jam it in
valving surfaces.
the valve body. To remove valve
(f) Examine the valve body bore for nicks or
spool (57), hold valve assembly in
burrs. If any are found, they can be removed with light
both hands with stub shaft pointing
crocus cloth until the spool turns freely in the body. Be
downward. Push lightly on valve
careful not to remove any stock from the surface of the
spool with a small rod by inserting
body. As on the spool, a slight polishing is normal on
rod through openings in valve cap
the valving surfaces.
(19) until spool is far enough out of
(5) Assembly.
valve that it may be grasped by the
(a) Lubricate three valve ring back-up
hand. Withdraw spool with a steady
packings (23) in automatic transmission fluid, Type "A".
oscillating pull to prevent jamming.
Assemble in three ring grooves on the valve body (21).
If slight sticking occurs, make a
Assemble the valve rings (22) in the ring grooves over
gentle attempt to reverse withdrawal
the back-up packings by carefully slipping the rings over
procedure. If this does not free the
the valve body. The rings may appear loose or twisted
spool, it has become cocked in the
in the grooves, but the heat of the oil after assembly will
valve body bore. Do not attempt to
cause them to tighten.
force the spool in or out if it
(b) Install new valve spool dampener packing
becomes cocked.
In this case,
(11) in valve spool (57) groove.
continue to dis-assemble the valve
(c) Assemble the stub shaft in the valve
assembly as follows and return to
body. Align groove in valve cap (19) with pin in valve
body. Make sure groove and pin are in line before
the spool as described in step ( d)
tapping on cap. Hold these parts together during the
rest of the assembly. Tap lightly on cap with plastic or
(d) Do not tap with anything metallic. If spool
rawhide mallet until cap is against shoulder in valve
can be rotated it can be removed. Remove the stub
body with valve body pin in cap groove.
shaft (20), torsion bar and valve cap assembly (19) by
Caution: Because the clearance
holding the above assembly in both hands as before,
between the spool and the valve
only with thumbs on valve body. Rap torsion bar lightly
body is very small, extreme care
against the work bench. This will dislodge the cap from
the valve body to cap pin. The stub shaft, torsion bar
must be taken when assembling
and valve cap assembly can now be removed from the
these parts.
valve body. If the valve spool has become cocked as
described in step (c) above, it can now be freed. By
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