![]() Figure 3-13. Rebushing connecting rods.
c. Cleaning.
(1) Soak pistons in solvent and remove carbon
Figure 3-14. Testing piston fit in cylinder.
from the tops and from ring grooves of the pistons.
(2) Using a drill or probe of the proper size, clean
f. Piston Ring Installation.
carbon from the oil return holes in the oil ring grooves.
(1) Always install new piston rings during an
(3) Clean the oil groove passages in the
overhaul of the engine.
Replacement rings are
connecting rods and caps.
available in standard size, in 0.020 inch oversize, and in
0.040 inch oversize. Oversize ring sets are to be used
pistons to the cylinder bore properly, use a spring scale
only in rebored engines.
and a feeler ribbon 1/2 inch wide, 10 inches long, and
(2) To determine whether the ring has the proper
0.003 inch thick (fig. 3-14). Insert the feeler ribbon full
end gap, place it in the cylinder, pushing it about
length into the cylinder bore, about halfway down. Hook
halfway down in the cylinder bore. With the ring square
the spring scale into the end of the feeler ribbon and pull
with the cylinder bore (use a piston to straighten the ring
the feeler ribbon from the cylinder. If the fit is correct,
in the cylinder), measure the gap between the ring ends
the scale should register 5 to 10 pounds pull.
with a feeler gage (fig. 3-15). The ring gap for all rings
e. Piston Pin Fit. Check the fit of the piston pin in the
is 0.010 to 0.020 inch. If the gap is less than the
piston and the connecting rod. The piston pin should be
minimum specified, remove the ring and dress ends with
a thumb-push fit in the piston pin bushing and a palm-
a fine-cut mill file until correct clearance is obtained.
push fit in the piston bosses. Heat the piston to at least
(3) Measure the side clearance of the piston rings
160F in hot water to let the pin enter it readily at final
in the grooves with a feeler gage. The gap should be
assembly. Then pin can be tapped easily through rod
0.002 to 0.004 inch for compression ring. Scraper ring
bushing. If the piston pins or bushings are worn, they
gap is 0.0015 to 0.003 inch and gap for oil rings is 0.001
must be replaced with standard size pins and bushings.
inch to 0.003 inch. If clearance is less than minimum
If the piston bosses are worn, the piston must be
specified, remove ring from piston and rub the ring
lightly on piece of fine emery cloth (laid on flat surface)
until proper clearance is obtained.
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