![]() Figure 3-16. Checking connecting rod bearings.
i. Installation.
(1) It is important to remove glaze on cylinder
bore to assure quick seating of piston rings.
(a) Cover crankshaft journals with clean cloth
to prevent dirt and abrasives from getting on crankshaft.
Figure 3-15. Measuring piston ring end gap.
(b) Surface hone cylinder bores with glaze
breaker to break glaze and produce dull finish in bore.
g. Connecting Rod Alignment.
Clean glaze breaker between use in each cylinder bore
(1) Install piston pin in connecting rod and place
to reduce amount of loose abrasives released in bore.
connecting rod on aligning fixture. Install connecting rod
(d) Clean cylinder bores thoroughly with clean
bearing cap on connecting rod.
oiled rag to pick up any abrasive that might be left in
(2) Pin should touch measuring bar on aligning
bore. Follow this with clean cloth to assure that walls
fixture at both ends. Straighten slightly bent or twisted
are clean.
connecting rods. Maximum bend or twist may not
(2) Install oil rings and compression rings on
exceed 0.002 inch over 4 inch spread of length of the
piston with ring expander tool. Start with lowest ring
connecting rod.
first. Make sure that tapered side of compression ring
h. Connecting Rod Bearing Installation.
(look for work "TOP" on surface) is up. Make sure that
(1) Connecting rod bearings that are scored,
the ring gaps are equally spaced about circumference of
burned, or worn must be replaced by new ones.
the piston, not in vertical alignment.
Replacement bearings require no reaming or fitting.
(3) Oil cylinder wall and generously coat piston
(2) Install the piston with connecting rod and with
and rings with engine oil to insure initial lubrication when
upper half of connecting rod bearing installed, but
engine is first started after repair work.
without piston rings, in the cylinder bore. Coat a piece
(4) Install ring compressor on piston and
of 0.002 inch feeler stock, approximately 1/2 inch wide
compress rings into grooves. Tap compressor lightly
and 1 inch long, with oil and place it between the lower
around circumference of piston to allow rings to seat
connecting rod bearing half and crankshaft journal (fig.
evenly in grooves.
(5) Put a light coat of oil in the crankshaft end of
nuts to 35 to 40 foot-pounds torque. Try to rotate
the connecting rod and install upper half of connecting
crankshaft one full turn by hand. If slight consistent
rod bearing, making certain that the bearing lock fits in
drag is felt, the clearance is correct. If the crankshaft
the machined groove in the rod. Apply a light coat of oil
turns freely, it will be necessary to measure crankshaft
to the bearing half and install the piston and connecting
journal for taper or out-of-round. If taper or out-of-round
rod in the cylinder bore (fig. 3-17). Be very careful not
exceeds 0.001 inch, replace crankshaft, or grind to next
to damage the cylinder bore with the connecting rod big
standard undersize, and use corresponding undersize
end when installing pistons.
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