![]() (4) Remove the two pump mounting
capscrews and lockwashers and lift the pump from the
(5) Remove and discard gasket; clean
surrounding surfaces.
d. Installation. Installation of fuel pump is the
reverse of the removal procedure. Make certain all line
connections are tight. After the fuel shut-off valve is
opened, check all connections for leaks.
4-21. Fuel Tank
a. General. At periodic intervals of 1000 hours,
remove the filler assembly from top of tank and clean
the strainer. Remove the drain plug (fig 4-9) from the
bottom of the fuel tank and allow sediment and water to
drain from the tank.
b. Removal.
(1) Remove the three capscrews and
lockwashers from the outer edge of the mounting plate
and lift the cowl away from the plate.
(2) Disconnect the wire from the terminal of
the sending unit in top of the tank as illustrated in figure
(3) Close shut-off valve at the bottom of the
tank and remove the fuel outlet line from the valve.
nuts which mount the tank.
(5) Lift tank away from the frame being
careful not to damage the tank or shut-off valve.
c. Installation. Installation of fuel tank is a direct
reversal of the removal procedure.
Governor Adjustment
carburetor (para 4-19).
b. Stop the engine. Remove the floor board and
remove return spring (5, fig. 4-12) from the accelerator
rod and hold throttle lever in the wide open position.
c. Release tension from governor spring and
operate the carburetor governor lever manually to check
for binding in the linkage. Remove any binding and
adjust the governor spring (fig. 4-10) tension to its
Figure 4-9. Fuel tank.
original position.
(2) Lift the operator's seat and remove the
side panel from right side of the truck.
(3) Disconnect the fuel outlet line and the fuel
inlet hose coming from the fuel tank. Drain hoses into a
container of suitable size.
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