![]() Figure 4-10. Governor adjustment.
throttle is opened quickly, the governor should surge
d. With tension on the governor spring, adjust the
once or twice and then level off.
governor control rod length to hold the carburetor lever
approximately 1/ 64 inch from the wide open position.
Make certain the rod ends are snug and move without
Caution: Engine rpm must be
rechecked after making adjustment.
e. Back the surge screw out in the governor
Do not turn the surge screw in far
housing until only three or four threads are engaged and
enough to increase the no load
lock in position.
engine speed.
g. Run the engine at full throttle. When the engine
Fuel Filter
has reached normal operating temperature, adjust the
governor spring tension nut to obtain an engine speed of
a. Removal. (fig. 4-11).
2400 rpm at no load.
(1) Loosen the capnut.
h. Load the engine by extending the tilt cylinders
(2) Swing the clamp wire to one side and
until they bottom. This will actuate the relief valve. If
remove the bowl.
the governor surges, move the regulation screw OUT
(move the spring away from the throttle level bracket) a
few turns at a time until surge is removed. When the
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