![]() Table 3-2 Troubleshooting - Continued
Corrective action
Probable cause
b. Improper grade of oil.
of oil for operating temperature (LO
c. Faulty rings or valves.
d. Crankcase ventilation system clogged.
valve (para 3-26).
a. Drain to correct level.
9. Excessive exhaust smoke.
b. Replace gasket (para 3-24).
b. Cylinder head gasket leaking.
c. Carburetor out of adjustment.
a. Normal condition; no action required.
a. Battery fully charged.
10. Charging rate on ammeter lower than
b. Drive belt loose.
c. Improperly adjusted or defective
a. Normal condition; no action required.
a. Battery charge low.
11. Charging rate on ammeter higher
b. improperly adjusted regulator or
than normal.
defective regulator.,
a. Defective lamp.
12. Lights do not function.
b. Check circuit for short in lights or wiring.
b. Blown fuse.
Replace fuse.
c. Defective light switch.
a. Replace fuse.
a. Blown fuse.
13. Horn does not sound.
b. Replace horn button or parts.
b. Defective horn button.
d. Defective horn.
a. Improperly adjusted pedal or linkage.
14. Brakes drag.
b. Weak or broken return spring.
c. Wheel cylinder defective.
a. Air in system.
15. Brake pedal soft or spongy when
b. Inadequate oil supply.
c. Brake linings not fitted properly.
a. Improperly adjusted pedal or linkage.
16. Brake pedal is hard to depress.
b. Replace brake shoes (para 3-64).
b. Brake lining glared.
a. Pump pedal several times. If pressure builds
a. Air in system.
17. Excessive pedal travel required
up to hold pedal to normal travel, bleed
to apply brakes.
brake system (para 3-63).
b. Fill master cylinder.
b. Inadequate oil supply.
a. Replace brake shoes (para 3-64).
a. Fluid or grease on brake lining.
18. Truck pulls to one side when brakes
are applied.
b. Brake shoe return spring defective.
c. Defective wheel cylinder.
19. Inching mechanism not operating
a. Mechanism not adjusted properly.
a. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
b. Refer to direct and general support
b. Defective transmission control valve.
maintenance personnel.
20. Steering mechanism not operating
a. Insufficient oil in hydraulic reservoir.
a. Fill as prescribed in LO 10-3930-621-12.
b. Tighten connections.
b. Air leaks in system.
c. Steering cylinder improperly adjusted.
d. Incorrect toe-in.
e. Defective hydraulic pump.
e. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
f. Defective hydraulic steering valve.
f. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
21. Truck will not lift or tilt load.
a. Load too heavy.
a. Lighten load to 4,000 pounds.
b. Insufficient oil in hydraulic reservoir.
b. Fill reservoir as prescribed in LO
c. Leaks in hydraulic system.
c. Inspect fittings, reservoir, and hose.
Tighten connections. Replace hose if
d. Defective cylinder.
direct and general support maintenance
personnel to repair cylinder.
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