![]() and ignition.
(7) A vacuum pressure that is normal, but which
(4) If vacuum indicated is a steady 8 to 12 inches
drops at regular intervals, indicates defective valves
it indicates worn valve guides, worn piston rings,
or a leaking cylinder head gasket.
poor lubricant, or a leak in the intake manifold.
(8) Install timing cover on flywheel housing.
(5) A vacuum below five inches indicates a leak
(9) Remove vacuum gage from manifold and refer
in the intake manifold.
to paragraph 3-26 and connect vent valve and hose to
(6) A vacuum pressure that is normal, but which
intake manifold.
drops at irregular intervals, indicates sticking valves,
incorrect carburetor fuel mixture, or defective spark
3-28. General
flange of the intake manifold. A cable from the choke
lever is connected to a choke bracket on the carbure-
The engine fuel system consists of a fuel tank, mech-
tor throat. Linkage from the accelerator connects
anical fuel pump with filter, a single-vented updraft
to the throttle lever. The governor linkage connects
carburetor, a centrifugal governor, and connecting
to the throttle lever shaft.
fuel lines. An electrical transmitter, located in the
fuel tank, operates a fuel level indicator (fig. 2-2)
carburetor as follows:
to show fuel in the system.
(1) Disconnect fuel line from carburetor inlet.
3-29. Carburetor
a. General. The carburetor is mounted on the lower
Figure 3-13. Carburetor, installed view.
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