![]() Table 3-2. Troubleshooting - Continued
Corrective action
Probable cause
a. Engine speed governed too low.
22. Lift and tilt motions too slow.
b. Air leaks in system.
b. Tighten all connections.
c. Insufficient oil in reservoir.
c. Fill reservoir as prescribed in LO
d. Defective pump or cylinder.
direct and general support maintenance
personnel to replace pump and repair
a. Leak in hydraulic lines.
a. Tighten connections or replace damaged
23. Tilting action creeps.
b. Defective cylinder.
direct and general support maintenance
personnel to repair cylinder.
a. Insufficient oil in hydraulic reservoir.
a. Fill reservoir as prescribed in LO
24. Hydraulic pump noisy.
b. Air leaks at pump.
b. Tighten connections at pump.
c. Reservoir breather restricted.
c. Clean breather.
d. Pump head loose.
d. Tighten screws.
c. Worn or defective pump.
e. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
a. Control valve not properly adjusted.
25. Mechanism lifts but will not lower load.
a. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
b. Control valve defective.
b. Refer to direct and general support
maintenance personnel.
3-14. General
Small hole in radiator . . . . . . . . . Plug hole with wooden plug on
Operator and organizational maintenance troubles
metal screw. Fill with
may occur while the truck is operating in the field
coolant and operate.
where supplies and repair parts are not available
Thermostat defective (closed) . . . . . Remove thermostat and operate
and normal corrective action cannot be performed.
without it (para 3-38).
When this condition exists, the following expedient
3-17. Engine Not Receiving Sufficient Fuel
repairs may be used in emergencies, upon decision of
Expedient remedy
the unit commander. Equipment so repaired must be
Fuel filter bowl screen clogged . . . Remove screen and operate with-
removed from operation as soon as possible and prop-
out it (para 3-31).
erly repaired before being placed in operation again.
3-18. Loss of Lubricating Oil
3-15. Loss of Fuel
Expedient remedy
Expedient remedy
Oil filter element clogged . . . . . . . . Remove element and operate
Fuel tank has pinhole leak . . . . . . .Install a metal screw with a
without it (para 3-4).
rubber washer in the hole.
Small hole in oil pan . . . . . . . . Plug with a wooden plug or
Fuel line cracked . . . . . . . . . . . Tape fuel line to stop leak and
metal screw. Fill crankcase
and operate truck.
Fuel filter bowl cracked . . . . . . . . . Bypass fuel filter and operate
without it.
3-16. Engine Overheats
Expedient remedy
Collapsed radiator hose . . . . . . . .Remove hose and insert section
of heavy coiled wire inside
hose. Install hose, fill with
coolant, and operate.
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