washers, may then be removed from the
reverse shaft.
Figure 10.
Provide a clean work area. Remove
the cast iron rings, snap ring, and pull the
front support bearing from the reverse shaft.
Figure 12.
and thrust washer. (Fig. 12) Remove the
four assembly bolts and then the end
housing assembly. Remove the top snap
ring and lift the clutch hub from the forward
drive gear (Fig. 13)
Figure 13.
Figure 11.
Remove the clutch pistons from the
end housing. Extract the O-rings from each.
Remove the bottom snap ring (Fig.
drive gear. (Fig. 14) The remainder of the
Remove the engine and transmission.
pack, clutch discs, separator plates, springs,
Remove the keeper retaining the idler gear shaft. Pull
clutch rings, center separator and thrust
the shaft and lift the gear out of the case. (Fig. 16)
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