Figure 16.
Figure 18.
3. Check all refaced or new valves in V-blocks with
indicator to determine if the contact face is true with the
stem within .002". (Fig. 17) If not, repeat the refacing
Figure 19.
5. After the narrowed-down seat is brought within
specifications, the seat should be retouched lightly with
the original stone to remove burrs or feathered edge.
Coat the valve stem with a light film of engine oil.
Figure 17.
4. After the valves and seats have been refaced
and reground, coat the seat lightly with "Prussian Blue"
Check all valve springs on the spring tester to make
and drop the valve into position, oscillating it slightly to
sure they meet specifications regarding force and
transfer the blue pattern to the valve face. This should
length. (Fig. 20) Springs, when compressed to the
show a contact width of 1/16" to 3/32" and should fall
"valve open" or "valve closed" length, must fall within
well within the width of the valve face, leaving at least
correct specifications when new, and must not show
1/64" on either side where the blue does not show. If
more than 10% loss in order to re-use. Reassemble the
the valve contact is over 3/32" wide, the seat in the
valves and springs in the block with the retainer and
block may be narrowed by using a 15 stone to reduce
retainer pin.
the outside diameter or using a 60 or 75 stone to
increase the inside diameter. (Fig. 18) Never allow
valves to sit down inside the seat. (Fig. 19)
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