5. The bearing in the slip ring end frame should be
replaced if its grease supply is exhausted. No attempt
should be made to relubricate and reuse the bearing.
6. If the slip rings are dirty, they may be cleaned
and finished with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth. Spin
the rotor in a lathe, or otherwise spin the rotor, and hold
the polishing cloth against the slip rings until they are
CAUTION: The rotor must be rotated in order that
the slip rings will be cleaned evenly. Cleaning the
slip rings by hand without spinning the rotor may
result in flat spots on the slip rings, causing brush
Slip rings which are rough or out of round should be
trued in a lathe to .002 inch maximum indicator reading.
Remove only enough material to make the rings smooth
and round. Finish with 400 grain or finer polishing cloth
and blow away all dust.
1. Rotor:
Figure 11.
NOTE: The rotor may be checked
c. The winding is checked for short-circuits by
electrically for grounded, open, or
connecting a 12-volt battery and ammeter in
short circuited field coils.
series with the two slip rings. Note the ammeter
reading. An ammeter reading above 2.3 amperes
a. To cheek for grounds, connect a 110-volt test
indicates shorted windings.
lamp or an ohmmeter from either slip ring to the
rotor shaft or to the rotor poles. If the lamp lights,
NOTE: If the rotor is not defective,
or if the ohmmeter reading is low, the field winding
and the alternator fails to supply
is grounded. (Fig. 11)
rated output when checked, the
trouble is in the stator or rectifying
b. To check for opens, connect the test lamp or
ohmmeter to each slip ring. If the lamp fails to
light, or if the ohmmeter reading is high (infinite),
2. Stator:
the winding is open. (Fig. 11)
NOTE: To check the stator windings,
remove all three stator lead attaching
nuts (Fig. 12) and then separate the
stator assembly from the end frame.
a. The stator windings may be checked with a
110-volt test lamp or an ohmmeter. If the lamp
lights, or if the meter reading is low when
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