connected. Place one prod of test lamp on
armature and the other prod on commutator. (Fig.
should be replaced if defect is not readily
apparent and repairable.
b. Place armature on growler. Hold hacksaw
blade over armature and slowly rotate armature.
If saw blade vibrates, armature is short-circuited.
Before replacing, inspect commutator slots for
copper or brush dust deposits. Clean thoroughly
and retest.
c. Burned commutator riser bars are sometimes
caused by an open-circuited armature. If bars are
not too badly damaged, armature can sometimes
be repaired by resoldering the leads in the riser
Figure 37
down commutator and undercut the mica.
3. Field Coils
d. Examine bearing surfaces at each end of
NOTE: Before checking field coils on
armature shaft for evidence of wear, and examine
spiral splines for damage. Replace armature
disconnect shunt field coil lead from
assembly if shaft is worn or damaged.
brush holder bracket.
2. Commutator
a. Place one test prod on field coil connector and
the other on each field coil lead. If lamp does not
a. Inspect commutator and if found to be rough,
light, coils are open-circuited.
out-of-round, worn or has high mica, filled slots, or
is burned, repair as follows:
b. Place one test prod on field frame and the
other on each field coil lead. If lamp lights, coils
b. Turning Down. Place armature in a lathe and
are grounded.
turn down commutator to remove worn spots, out-
of-round, or rough condition. Do not cut deeper
c. If ground or open circuit is indicated in series
than necessary to clean up. (Fig. 37)
connected coils, break the connection between
coils and test each coil separately to determine
c. Undercut Mica. Mica between commutator
which one is defective and must be replaced. If
segments must be below edges of segments.
any coil is replaced, make sure connections are
Start groove with a small three-cornered file, then
securely soldered and properly insulated.
use a hacksaw blade to undercut mica to a depth
of 1/32 inch. Use No. 00 sandpaper to clean and
smooth up commutator, then blow all dust and
cutttings out of grooves.
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