7. Overrunning Clutch. Drive pinion must rotate
4. Commutator End Frame
freely in overrunning direction and must not slip in
cranking direction. If drive pinion turns roughly or slips,
a. On open shift lever type, brush holders are
replace complete overrunning clutch assembly.
mounted on commutator end frame. Two brush
holders are insulated from the end frame and two
8. The Bendix drive should be cleaned and a film of
are grounded. Test each insulated brush holder
light oil applied to the screw shaft, as any accumulation
by placing one test prod on insulated brush holder
of dirt on drive might restrict the free movement of the
and one on end frame. If the lamp lights, brush
holder is grounded and the insulation should be
G. ASSEMBLY (Fig. 31)
b. On enclosed shift lever type, the insulated
1. Place a few drops of engine oil on bushing in
brush holders, mounted in the field frame, are
commutator end frame and in drive housing. Spread oil
made of a nonconductor and are mounted on the
evenly on bushing.
same pin as the grounded brush holders.
2. If shift lever and solenoid plunger were removed
c. Examine armature shaft bushing in end frame
from drive housing, assemble plunger to shift lever and
for wear. Replace bushing if hole is elongated.
secure lever in housing with bolt, lock washer, and nut.
Make sure shift lever pivots freely on bolt.
d. Check brush spring tension. If not within limits,
replace the new springs. Examine hinge pins and
3. Install overrunning clutch assembly on armature
brush holders for bent or damaged condition. Any
shaft as follows:
condition which might prohibit free brush action
must be corrected.
a. Apply a light coat of engine oil on armature
shaft spiral splines.
5. Brushes
b. Place assist spring over armature shaft with
a. If brushes are worn down to less than one-half
small end of spring against armature, then slide
their original length, they must be replaced.
overrunning clutch assembly on shaft with drive
Compare old brushes with a new one to determine
pinion toward end of shaft.
how much they are worn.
c. Slide retainer onto shaft with cupped side
b. Be sure that clips are securely soldered to the
facing end of shaft.
brush leads. When installing new brushes, side
having trade mark must be out away from holder.
d. Install snap ring over end of shaft and place in
groove in shaft. Use care not to distort snap ring
6. Drive Housing. Examine bushing in drive
while installing.
housing if worn excessively. Also replace oiler wick, if
used. If necessary to replace shift lever (or solenoid
e. Install thrust collar on shaft with shoulder on
plunger on enclosed shift lever type), remove bolt
collar next to snap ring.
securing shift lever in drive housing.
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