![]() ENGINE
This must be taken into consideration when checking
alignment of the assembly, since the diameter in line
with the piston pin would be less at the top of the skirt
than at the bottom.
1. Grip the connecting rod in a vise with lead lined
jaws. Roll each of the straight side rings in its groove to
be sure there are no burrs or other interference with the
free action of the ring in the groove.
2. Check the ring side clearance at various
positions with a feeler in accordance with the tolerances.
grooves they can be removed and lapped on a flat plate.
Use crocus cloth to narrow them down to the desired
Figure 32.
Figure 31.
Figure 33.
3. Hold the ring tool with recess side up and place
4. Position ring in the tool so the expanding fingers
the ring in the groove with the bottom side up. (Fig. 32)
will fully engage both ends.
Start with the lowest ring first. Some piston rings are
taper-faced. These are clearly marked "TOP" on the
side to be up when assembled on piston. (Fig. 33)
5. Apply pressure on handles so ring is completely
expanded. Pass the expanded ring and tool, recessed
side down, over the piston to the proper groove.
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