b. Slide a standard 1/2 inch pipe coupling or
c. Remove snap ring from groove in
other metal cylinder of correct size onto shaft
armature shaft. If snap ring is distorted
so end of coupling cylinder butts against edge
during removal, it must be discarded and a
of retainer.
new one obtained for assembly.
hammer to drive retainer down toward arm'
and off snap ring.
d. Slide retainer and over-running clutch
assembly off armature shaft.
7. Remove the solenoid return spring and
plunger. Remove the terminal assembly and the
contact assembly. To disassemble the contact
assembly, push in on the metal cup and rotate 1/4
turn. (Fig. 35) Slide the metal cup, spring, and
washers off the push rod.
Figure 33.
Figure 35.
NOTE: The over-running clutch,
armature, and fields should never
be cleaned in a degreasing tank
solvents, All parts of the motor
except the clutch should be
cleaned with oleum spirits and a
brush. Wipe the clutch with a
clean cloth.
1. Armature
a. Check armature - to - commutator leads
to make sure they are securely
Figure 34.
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