![]() Table 2-1. Troubleshooting-Continued
Probable Cause
Corrective Action
a. Hydraulic pump defective.
18. Truck Steers Hard.
b. Steering cylinder defective.
c. Steering valve defective.
c. Repair valve (para 3-59).
a. Sideshift cylinders defective.
19. Fork Does Not Shift to Side.
b. Hydraulic pump defective.
c. Control valve defective.
c. Replace valve (para 3-72).
a. Brake shoes defective.
20. Truck Does Not Stop When
b. Hydraulic
Brakes Are Applied.
c. Bleed brake system (TM 10-3930-
c. Air in brake, lines.
d. Accumulator not charged.
2-5 General
Never dry bearings with compressed air. Do not spin
Refer to TM 10-3930-243-12 for analysis of
bearings while they are not lubricated.
operation and for organizational maintenance
b. Inspection.
2-6. Wiring Harness
(1) Inspecting cast parts, machined surfaces.
(a) Inspect bores for wear, grooves,
The electrical circuits in the forklift are completed
scratches and dirt. Remove scratches and burrs
by individual wire leads or by leads laced or en-
with crocus cloth. Remove foreign matter. Replace
closed to form a wiring harness. When testing,
parts that are deeply grooved or scratched.
repairing, or replacing the individual wires or
(b) Inspect mounting faces for burrs,
harness refer to the wiring diagrams (figs. 1-1 and
scratches, nicks, and foreign matter. Remove such
defects with crocus cloth or a soft stone. If scratches
are deep, replace the defective part.
a. Cleaning. Dirt can cause malfunctions. All
(c) Inspect all machined surfaces for
parts must be clean to permit effective inspection.
damage that could cause oil leakage or other
At assembly, it is very important that no dirt or
malfunction of the part. Rework or replace the
foreign matter enters the transmission or engine.
defective parts.
Even minute particles can cause the malfunction of
(2) Inspecting bushings, thrust washers.
close-fitting parts such as valves.
(a) Inspect bushings for roundness, scores,
(1) Cleaning parts.
burrs, sharp edges, and evidence of overheating.
Remove scores with crocus cloth. Remove burrs
be cleaned thoroughly with volatile mineral spirits,
and sharp edges with a scraper or knife blade. If the
or by the steam cleaning method. Do not use
bushing is out-of-round, deeply scored, or ex-
caustic soda solution for steam cleaning.
cessively worn, replace it, using the proper size
(b) Parts should be dried with compressed
air. Steam-cleaned parts should be oiled im-
mediately after drying.
If it is necessary to cut out a defective bushing, be
(c) Clean oil passages by working a piece of
careful not to damage the bore into which the bushing
wire back and forth, through the passages and
flushing them with spirits. Dry the passages with
(b) Inspect thrust washers for distortion,
compressed air.
scores, burrs, and wear. Replace the thrust washer,
(d) Examine parts, especially oil passages,
if it is defective or worn. It is much less expensive to
after cleaning, to make certain they are entirely
replace such parts than to replace converter
clean. Reclean them if necessary.
elements or transmission gearing, which can fail
(2) Cleaning bearings. Bearings that have
due to defective bearings, bushings, or thrust
been in service should be thoroughly washed in
volatile mineral spirits.
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