This pump supplies hydraulic pressure to the
3-70. General
hydraulic lifting system.
The hydraulic lift system consists of the main
hydraulic pump, hydraulic control valves, lift
main hydraulic pump.
cylinder, slave cylinder, tilt cylinder, extension
cylinder, oscillation cylinder and the side shift
disassemble main hydraulic pump.
c y l i n d e r . The purpose of the hydraulic pump is to
e. Inspection.
p i c k up and force oil thru the hydraulic system, by
(1) Inspect housing for cracks, damage and
d i s p l a c i n g hydraulic oil from one side of the piston
excessive wear.
t o the other side thru the sump tank. When oil is
(2) Inspect gears for damage.
forced into one end of a hydraulic cylinder it moves
(3) Inspect bearings for excessive wear.
t h e cylinder piston toward the opposite end of the
cylinder. By this means it is possible to move a load
r e a s s e m b l e main hydraulic pump.
w h i c h is attached to the cylinder piston rod. All of
t h e hydraulic cylinders on the fork lift are of the
double acting type. The main control valve is in-
After overhaul, run pump for 30 minutes at 2000
rpm while pumping SAE No. 10 oil at 0 psi outlet
s t a l l e d in the hydraulic circuit, where it serves to
direct the hydraulic oil to selected points in the
hydraulic system. With all operating valve spools in
g . Test. B e n c h t e s t p u m p b y d r i v i n g i t a t 2 8 0 0
n e u t r a l position, oil flow from the pump will cir-
rpm, and load pump to 1800 psi. Pump capacities
c u l a t e freely through the various valve section back
are 6 gallons per minute for front outlet and 6
to the hydraulic reservoir.
gallons per minute at rear outlet.
3-71. Main Hydraulic Pump
hydraulic tank.
a. General. The main hydraulic pump is
mounted to the rear section of the transmission.
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