![]() (3) I n s p e c t i n g g e a r s .
s c o r e s , scratches and burrs. Remove defects with a
or broken teeth. If the defect cannot be removed
soft stone. If scores and scratches cannot be
with a soft stone, replace the gear.
removed with a soft stone, replace the gear.
(b) Inspect gear teeth for wear that may
have destroyed the original tooth shape. If this
condition is found, replace the gear.
2-8. General
p u l l e y , r a d i a t o r h o s e s , a i r i n t a k e d u c t, v o l t a g e
regulator base, hoses, and lines (TM 10-3930-
T h i s section provides instructions for removal and
i n s t a l l a t i o n of the major components of the forklift
t r u c k . The major components in this section consist
(2) Refer to figure 2-1 and remove the engine.
b. Installation.
of the engine, torque convertor, transmission and
transfer assembly, the mast column assembly, and
( 1 ) Refer to figure 2-1 and install the engine.
(2) Install the lines, cables, hoses, voltage
the axle assembly. Refer to the appropriate
r e g u l a t o r base, air intake duct, radiator hoses, fan
paragraphs in this section for each assembly.
pulley, universal joint, and top panel (TM 10-
2-9. Engine
a. Removal.
(1) Remove the top panel, universal joint, fan
(2) Remove the mast
assembly (para 2-11).
T r a n s f e r Assembly
(3) Refer to figure 2-2
and remove the torque
a. Removal.
convertor, transmission and
transfer assembly.
(1) Remove the universal joints, top panel,
b. Installation.
h y d r a u l i c valves, linkage, lines and hoses (TM 10-
( 1 ) Refer to figure 2-2
and install the torque
convertor, transmission and
transfer assembly.
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