![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
check the end plate for flatness. Plug type nuts
within 0.001 inch total indicator reading. The
liner c o u n t e r b o r e d e p t h s h o u l d b e f r o m
i n the end plate should also be checked for
cracks and damaged threads. If nicks or
0.300-0.302 inch and must not vary in depth
s c r a t c h e s on the sealing surfaces of the end
m o r e than 0.001 around the entire circumfer-
plate are too deep to be cleaned up, or the plug
(c) After inspection, if the cylinder block
t y p e nuts are damaged, the end plate or plug
n u t s should be replaced.
i s not going to be assembled for a temporary
period of time, spray the machined surfaces
with engine oil. If the cylinder block is not going
semble the cylinder block and end plates.
to be assembled for an extended period of time,
f. Installation.
spray or dip the block in a polar-type rust pre-
ventive compound. Castings that are free of
(1) Install c r a n k s h a f t ( p a r a 3 - 3 2 ) .
( 2 ) Install the pistons and connecting rods
g r e a s e and oil will rust immediately when ex-
p o s e d to the atmosphere.
(4) Inspection of end plates.
( 3 ) Install the camshaft, balance shaft and
b e a r i n g s (para 3-29).
( a ) When the end plate is removed, it is
(4) Install the idler gear (para 3-30).
e s s e n t i a l that all of the old gasket material be
removed from both surfaces of the end plate and
(5) Install the cylinder head (para 3-19).
t h e end plate then cleaned.
( 6 ) Install the blower drive (para 3-6) and
(b) Check the surfaces of the end plate for
blower (para 3-5).
n i c k s , dents, scratches, or score marks; also
(7) Install the engine (para 2-5).
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