![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
4-1. General
r e t u r n s between the stator blades to the pump.
The stator blades direct the oil so that its unex-
This chapter contains information on the
pended energy assists in the rotation of the
m a i n t e n a n c e of transmission assembly. This in-
pump. When the speed of the turbine ap-
c l u d e s the transmission, torque converter, con-
proaches the speed of the pump, the stators free
t r o l valves and main pressure regulator valve.
wheel on their race on the ground sleeve. When
T h e transmission has three speeds and a trans-
t u r b i n e speed is significantly less than pump
fer case and is the fullpower shift type, consist-
speed, the stators lock up on the free wheel race.
i n g of a torque converter coupled to planetary
T o r q u e is multiplied only when the stators are
g e a r i n g controlled by hydraulic clutches. The
locked up.
gearing and clutches give forward and reverse
o p e r a t i o n in every range. The transmission is
b. R e m o v a l . R e m o v e t o r q u e c o n v e r t e r a n d
t h e four element type, which are the pump, tur-
t r a n s m i s s i o n assembly (para 2-6).
b i n e , and double free-wheel stator.
c. Disassembly. T h e t r a n s m i s s i o n s h o u l d b e
c l e a n e d externally and as much oil as possible
4-2. Torque Converter and Transmission As-
should be drained from the assembly. The
t r a n s m i s s i o n and torque converter is disassem-
bled in numerical sequence. Refer to figure 4-2,
m i s s i o n assembly is removed as an assembly.
s h e e t s 1 through 13.
The torque converter elements are vaned,
(1) Torque converter (fig. 4-1).
a l u m i n u m castings. The pump element is driven
( a ) Position the transmission on its rear
by the engine. The turbine element is driven by
surface, blocking it evenly on the floor.
t h e planetary gearing. The stator is a reaction
(b) Install a bolt into one of the holes in
m e m b e r which multiplies torque between en-
the converter housing flange. Use a wrench
gine and transmission gearing. Oil is drawn
b r a c e d against the bolt, to prevent the conver-
f r o m the sump through the oil strainer, by the
t e r from rotating. Remove the 24 self-locking.
input driven pressure pump and sent to the
nuts (10, fig. 4-2 (1)) which secure the converter
h y d r a u l i c system through the oil filter. From
p u m p cover.
t h e filter oil is directed to the main-pressure
(c) R e m o v e t h e c o n v e r t e r p u m p c o v e r ,
regulator valve, to the forward and reverse,
u s i n g jackscrews in the tapped holes provided.
s e l e c t o r valve and to the range selector valve.
(d) Remove the seal ring which is behind
T h e main pressure regulator is of the bypass-
the drive teeth of the cover.
type with a pressure range of 110-, 135-psi. The
( e ) Lift the turbine (14) from the conver-
f o u r element converter consists mainly of the
t e r shaft. Remove the ball bearing only if re-
p u m p (14, fig. 4-1), the turbine (28), the first
p l a c e m e n t is necessary.
s t a t o r assembly (27), the second stator assembly
(23), rollers (21), and springs (22), and roller race
( 2 0 ) . The pump, turbine, and stators are vaned,
There are ten free wheel rollers and ten
a l u m i n u m castings. The pump is the input ele-
springs in this assembly which may fall
m e n t , driven by the engine. The turbine is the
out when the stator assembly is removed.
o u t p u t element, driving the gears. The stators
Make sure that all of these parts are re-
a r e reaction elements and are mounted on rol-
moved from the torque converter pump.
l e r s that free wheel on a race on the stationary
(f) R e m o v e t h e t o r q u e c o n v e r t e r s t a t o r
ground sleeve. The elements operate in oil
assembly and free wheel roller race (15 thru 20).
which is circulated for cooling. When the engine
(g) Remove the snap ring and spacers (21
r o t a t e s , oil is thrown by pump blades into the
t h r u 23).
b l a d e s of the turbine causing it to rotate. Oil
(h) Flatten the corners of the three lock
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