![]() TM 10-3930-242-34
rotors. Use the blower rotor gear retaining bolts
s e m b l e the blower drive and coupling.
a n d plain washers to press the gears on rotor
shafts. Turn bolts uniformly until gears are
d. Cleaning a n d I n s p e c t i o n .
t i g h t against shoulder on the shafts. Remove
(1) Clean the blower drive and coupling
g e a r bolts, plain washers, and cloth.
components using a solvent such as P-D-680, or
(10) Place pilot (12) in counterbore of upper
g e a r and start bolt (11) into rotor shaft, Place
( 2 ) Inspect the gear and hub for wear.
r o t o r gear washer on face of lower gear, start
(3) Inspect support for scoring. See table
bolt into rotor shaft. Torque bolts to 25-30 ft. lb.
1 - 1 for engine wear and replacement standards.
(11) Check the backlash between the blower
R e p l a c e a defective part.
g e a r s . Backlash should be 0,005 inch to 0.0025
inch with new gears. Replace the gears if back-
s e m b l e the blower drive and coupling.
lash exceeds 0,0035 inch.
f. Installation.
( 1 2 ) The rotors, when properly positioned
(1) Refer to figure 3-8 and install blower
r u n with a slight clearance between the rotor
d r i v e and coupling.
l o b e s and with a slight clearance between the
( 2 ) Install blower assembly (para 3-5).
l o b e s and walls of the housing. The clearance
3-7. Governor
b e t w e e n the rotors may be established by mov-
ing one of the helical gears out or in on the shaft
a. General. The mechanical governor is
r e l a t i v e to other gear. Moving the gears out or
mounted on the rear end plate of the engine,
i n on the rotor is accomplished by adding or
T h e governor is driven by a gear that extends
r e m o v i n g shims between the gear hub and rotor
t h r o u g h the end plate and meshes with the bal-
a n c e shaft gear. The governor controls the en-
(13) Measurement should be taken from
g i n e idle speed and limits the maximum operat-
b o t h the inlet and outlet side of the blower by
i n g speed of the engine. The governor is lubri-
i n s e r t i n g feeler gage between housing (25) and
c a t e d by oil splash from engine gear train dis-
rotors (22 and 23). Measurements should be
t r i b u t e d by revolving weights, Excess oil is re-
taken across the entire length of each rotor lobe
turned to the gear train through holes in the
to be certain that a minimum clearance of 0.004
governor bearing retainer.
i n c h exists at the air outlet side of the blower;
b . Operation.
a n d a minimum clearance of 0.0075 inch exists
(1) The governor holds the injector racks in
a t the air inlet of the blower. Similarly, the
the advanced fuel position for starting when the
c l e a r a n c e between rotor lobes should be meas-
speed control lever is in the idling position. Im-
u r e d across the length of the lobes. By rotating
mediately after starting, the governor moves
t h e gears, position the lobes so that they are at
t h e fuel injector racks to that position required
t h e i r closest relative position. Clearance bet-
for idling.
w e e n the lobes should be a minimum of 0.010
( 2 ) The centrifugal force of the revolving
i n c h . The blower rotor end clearances are 0.006
l o w and high speed weights is converted into a
inch for front end plate and 0.009 inch for rear
l i n e a r motion which is transmitted through the
end plate.
r i s e r and operating shaft to the operating shaft
f. Installation.
l e v e r . One end of the lever operates against the
(1) Refer to figure 35 and install the blower
h i g h and low speed springs through the spring
cap, while the other end provides a moving ful-
(2) Install
c r u m on which the differential lever pivots.
(3) When the centrifugal force of the revolv-
ing governor weights balances out the tension
o n the high or low speed spring (depending on
3-6. Blower Drive and Coupling
t h e speed range), the governor stabilizes the
a. General. The blower drive and coupling is
e n g i n e speed for a given setting of the speed
l o c a t e d on the air inlet housing side of the en-
c o n t r o l lever.
gine and is driven from an idler gear on the
(4) In low speed range, the centrifugal force
c a m s h a f t side of the engine.
o f the low-and-high-speed weights together op-
b. Removal.
e r a t e against the low speed spring. As the en-
(1) Remove the blower assembly (para 3-5).
gine speed increases, the centrifugal force of the
(2) Refer to figure 3-8 and remove the
low and high speed weight together compress
b l o w e r drive and coupling.
the low speed spring until the low speed weights
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